How does chewing tobacco cause cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How does chewing tobacco cause cancer”,you can compare them.

Tobacco contains over 2,000 chemicals,many of which have been directly related to causing cancer and it can affect the mouth first [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does chewing tobacco cause cancer
Does Chewing Tobacco Cause Cancer?
Plenty of people think that chewing tobacco is much safer than cigarettes, and that they can still get their nicotine this way without risking cancer. This is untrue, and there are numerous ways in which chewed tobacco elevates risk for can…
What type of cancers can chewing tobacco cause?
Mainly the snuff kind of tobacco Anyone know? shoegirl Tags: Chewing Tobacco Snuff Tobacco Type Of Cancers Related posts One Response to “What type of cancers can chewing tobacco cause?” Joe says: June 11, 2009 at 6:06 am All kinds of canc…
Does Tobacco Chewing or Smoking cause Cancer?
Tobacco chewers develop cancer of cheek, tongue, gums etc. They are chronic chewers, often starting the habit at a young age of 15 or 18 years. They keep the tobacco quid [pan] in the mouth for a long time and often keep the quid even while…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long u think before chewing tobacco will cause cancer and how long before u see effects of chewing?
Q: i dont chew and i no its nasty im just curious
A: No answer on an elapsed time period would be exact. There are too many variables. Your own genetic code influenced by your ancestors tendencies towards cancer. Your daily and lifetime consumption of antioxidants. Your daily and lifetime consumption of toxins and carcinogens related and unrelated to chewing tobacco. Etc. The question you might want to consider is when would be the best day to stop. I think that would be the day before you start. Besides, why would you want stained teeth, bad breath, and deteriorated gums. I used to chew as well so good luck stopping.
Tobacco chewing causes cancer.why govt,do not stop it manufacturing?
Q: As i have seen people dying with it.There is no cure for it,i am a dentist too.i want to send message to all.
A: Tobacco production makes money, and the government taxes things people make. The government would likely be seen as tyrannical if they stopped production of harmful things, and the sad truth is that if tobacco was banned, a lot of people would be out of jobs. Some cities and states have introduced a public-smoking ban, which has cut down on social tobacco use, but it’s caused a large upset, especially where I’m from, in Kentucky tobacco is the state’s cash-crop, pretty much. If the government stopped the cultivating of tobacco, all those farmers, and the people that work for the farmers, and in factories would be out of jobs, and then likely be on wellfare, which would make things more expensive for other people. There are warnings all over the packages too, and likely, the mindset of users is, ‘Well, I won’t be affected.’ Sad but true.
What type of cancers can chewing tobacco cause?
Q: Mainly the snuff kind of tobacco.Anyone know?
A: All kinds of cancer. Mouth and tongue as well as cheek and maybe even later on in life it could have more of an impact in other areas of the body. I have to be honest though my Mom has almost died several times from cancer now and she never smoked or drank or chewed. The worst thing about cancer is it can strike at anytime and anywhere. Then once you have it most of the time it spreads or even comes back after a few years. Its a very bad deal. She is only 48 and has had so much chemo and radiation its almost dangerous that way as well. I used to smoke once in a while and now it is not appealing at all. Good luck hope this helps.
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