How does a water blister form

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How does a water blister form”,you can compare them.

The walls of the tiny blood vessels close by became leaky. Some fluid leaked out of the blood to make the clear fluid that MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a water blister form
How are water blisters formed?
Most blisters are formed by friction. Water blisters are formed usually by heat.
What could I do to prevent water blisters from forming when I rol…?
Get you some “corn huskers” lotion and put it on your feet daily to make your skin more pliable and wear thick socks.That helped me as I skated th California coastline.
What exactly is the clear liquid, similar to water, formed in a b…?
The clear, watery liquid inside a blister is called serum. It leaks in from neighboring tissues as a reaction to injured skin. If the blister remains unopened, serum can provide natural protection for the skin beneath it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why the high pulse rate and water blister?
Q: About a week ago my father had a spell of dizzyness and tight chest. His blood pressure dropped and his pulse rate went up. His pulse rate has been between 140-160 since. Then last night we noticed water blisters formed all over his legs. He is soaking the rug under his feet they have so much water. One is the size of a baseball. Whats going on?
A: He needs to see a doctor ASAP…he could be having a form of congestive heart failure. This will cause edema (swelling)of the extremities because his heart cannot adequately handle pumping the entirety of his blood supply. So, the blood collects at the farthest area from the heart – the legs. The water blisters form due to the increase in fluid and the kidney’s inability to to get rid of it. Get him to a doctor or ER immediately.
I burned my hand with hot water and I had this big blister and the skin came off, now what should I do?
Q: I burned my hand with hot water and a big blister formed and three days later it broke and some of the skin has come off and what should I do for it now. My hand has also swollen up a little. I just need some help to get to heal faster. Please help.
A: Since you have had a blister and it has burst you need medical attention due to the fact that you hand has swollen up its sounds like you might have an infection which you may very well need antibotics for …far better than home remedies as it does sound like its infectedAfter reading some of the answers here i thought i might just like to add since i have spent a lot of time in the burns unit that bandaging a wet blister will make the bandage stick to it…in the burns unit they keep wet burns covered but with special bandages or comfeel..which does not allow the air to get into the burn and premotes healing..i cant beleive some of the answers you have got on here amazing
What exactly is the clear liquid, similar to water, formed in a blister?
A: The clear, watery liquid inside a blister is called serum. It leaks in from neighboring tissues as a reaction to injured skin. If the blister remains unopened, serum can provide natural protection for the skin beneath it.
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