How does a person get asthma

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How does a person get asthma”,you can compare them.

Asthma is usually something that you are predisposed to have. Triggers of attacks can be infections, smoke, and allergies. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a person get asthma
How does a person get asthma?
mabye a mother that smokes while she is preganat
Can a person get social security benefits for asthma??
it depends, how bad is the asthma? the eneral rule for recieving ssd (social security disability) benefits is that the illness or disease is what stops you from being able to work.
What are the best ways to relieve persons with asthma when they g…?
The person had been using ventolin for relief and this has been very expensive as he frequently gets asthma attacks. Where he lives there is pollution and frequent weather change like cold then hot.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does using a fireplace make it worse for a person with asthma?
Q: I’m wondering about my 2 year old daughter. She has asthma and we recently started using the fireplace a lot, well her asthma flared up. I’m not saying that its because of that, but now I’m wondering. If I would of thought of it at the time I would of asked the doctor. Does anyone know if it’s possible or talked to a doctor about it? Any info on it would be helpful. Thank’s yall!
A: a real fireplace will make a difference. There is fumes and second hand some. Both are irritants.
Does being overweight conflict with a person asthma?
Q: I have asthma and i have put on a lot of extra pounds and lately I have been experincing shortness of breath.
A: yes it can. being over weight makes it harder to move around, and therefore requires more energy from your body. the extra energy will certainly affect your breathing.good luck.
What does a person feel during an asthma attack?
Q: I have had some research about asthma and its symptoms. But what makes me realize is that what do people feel during an asthma attack. Can anyone with asthma describe that for me please?
A: You chest tightens and it is real hard to breathe, It’s scary when you can’t breathe and there’s a lot of panic.
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