How do you treat or get rid of a sty

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To get rid of a sty avoid wearing makeup, wash your eyelids and eyelashes several times with mild soap, and keep your hands clean. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you treat or get rid of a sty
How to treat and get rid of a sty
・ 1 Wash eyelids and eyelashes several times a day using mild soap. Be sure eyes are closed tightly when… ・ 2 Abstain from wearing eye makeup while there is a sty and keep the eyelid area clean. ・ 3 As regular maintenance, even when you d…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to get rid of a sty fast?
Q: Ive been putting warm and hot water on it for 3 days and nothing. It was a regular pimple until it got all red when my friend told me to squeez it out with a warm water dipped rag. I have a meeting tomorron morning and i need to treat it fast. Just making the sty less swollen or smaller would be fine but making gone would be great.
A: This is the best way to get rid of a sty. I used it on myself and even on my year old baby. Make some tea without milk obviously and let it cool down. When it cools get some cotton wool dip it in the tea, press it so extra tea from cotton wil lcome out and wipe ur eye from inwards to outwards. Use a new piece of cotton for every wipe. Do it morning and evening and within two days it will gogoodluck
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