How do you treat a spider bite

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you treat a spider bite”,you can compare them.

Try to identify spider (bite may need medical treatment). Wash with soap and water ASAP. Apply cold compress. Take over-the MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you treat a spider bite
・ 1 Identify the spider, if it is possible to do so safely. Some spider bites require more extensive treatment… ・ 2 Wash the site of the spider bite with soap and water. Regardless of whether it is a harmless spider… ・ 3 Care for a regu…
・ If you have allergies to spider bites, call an ambulance immediately ! ・ Identify the spider . If you have killed the spider and it isn’t maimed, or if you remember what the… ・ Look for dangerous symptoms . You should seek Medical Atte…
Check out the link below (California poison center). “Spiders rarely bite more than once, so multiple bites are usually caused by insects such as fleas, bedbugs, ticks, mites and biting flies.” “Many of the spider bites wil…

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A: clean with soap water then peroxide. Apply neosporen watch closely. do every day 2 times a day till healed
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A: Go to the vet, When you adopt this pup, you knew there would be vet bills. Be an honorable person an treat the puppy like it deserves. If you would go to the doctor your self for the same thing that means it ts time to take the animal to the vet, simple.
How do you treat a spider bite?
Q: I am prety sure my daughter has been bitten by a spider. She has a bite that looks like a mosquito bite, but more swollen with a dark center. It is very sore.
A: Wash the area thoroughly, put on some neosporin and a bandaid. Take a benedryl (will help with itching, burning and mild allergic symptoms).Watch the area carefully for signs of changes such as lots of swelling, red rings, puss, smell, etc. The bite will *probably* be gone by tomorrow, but if it does exhibit venom symptoms, see a doctor.
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