How do you relieve the pain of a canker sore

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Try rinsing your mouth with a solution of 1/2-teaspoon salt dissolved in 8 ounces of water. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you relieve the pain of a canker sore
How to Relieve Pain From Canker Sores
・ 1 Use an oral antiseptic mouth rinse containing peroxide and glycerin and gargle for a few minutes several… ・ 2 Use a medicated canker sore oral gel or cream that contains benzocaine, menthol, camphor or alcohol… ・ 3 A quick and che…
What’s the quickest and strongest way to get rid or relieve the p…?
I know you said you tried Orajel, but I’m wondering if you tried this one – I used to suffer horribly from mouth sores but it worked wonders. Orajel makes a mouth sore medication that you apply directly to the sore – it contains a numbing a…
Do you get canker sores? What do you do to help relieve pain (eat…?
G’day westoncampbell, Thank you for your question. No I don’t. I understand that they normally go away with treatment. Family Doctor recommends Advil or Tylenol with other medicines such as Anbesol, Oragel, Orabase and Zilactin-B keep it fo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to relieve canker sore pain?
Q: I’ve got a bad canker sore and It hurts to eat anything. Any suggestions?
A: theres things at walgreens that are made to relieve it, like gel patches, or ointments. although last time i used the gel patch on my tongue, it felt quite funny
Relieve Canker Sore pain?
Q: Ahh, canker sores. How do you get rid of the pain until it heals?
A: Try rinsing your mouth with salt water or, even better, hydrogen peroxide. (Don’t swallow the peroxide.) There is a product called Gly-Oxide that is peroxide based that is made for mouth sores that will work too. That will help it heal. Also you can try putting some Anbesol on it and that will definitely take care of the pain. Make sure you rinse your mouth after each meal and before bed.
What can relieve the pain of canker sores?
Q: I have two right now, and they hurt really bad. Also, does anyone know the cause of them?
A: They are caused by a food irritant – often citrus or tomatoes are the biggest offenders. Get some Orajel which is for baby’s teething (small tube of gel) that is available over the counter and put some of that one. Will make the pain go away for a while. Will have to keep putting it on intermittently until the sores are gone.
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