How do you prevent a canker sore

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Regular brushing after meals and flossing once a day can keep your mouth clean and free of foods that might trigger a canker sore. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you prevent a canker sore
There’s no guaranteed way to prevent canker sores, but it’s a good idea to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and try not to get too worried or upset. Put canker sores on the list of things you don’t have to worry about. They hurt for a little …
Canker sores can be painful an inconvenient. Avoid the pain by taking these simple steps to prevent them.
There’s no guaranteed way to prevent canker sores, but it’s a good idea to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and try not to get too worried or upset. Put canker sores on the list of things you don’t have to worry about. They hurt for a little …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I prevent canker sore outbreaks?
Q: I get them often. Often being every other month. They last. For a long time. And sometimes I’ll get cold symptoms with them. I’ve been to the doctor many times and they tell me it’s “viral”. Antibiotics don’t work for this. It takes awhile to go away and it changes everything. What I can eat, the way I eat and sometimes talk. I’ve started to keep a calendar of when they come. I notice they come right around my cycle. Is there any links between the two?
A: A fellow sufferer of canker sores! I get them a couple of times a year and they are not fun. I have done quite a bit of research into them since I can’t stand it.The bottom line is that doctor’s don’t know what causes canker sores BUT they do believe they know what can trigger them: Doctors don’t know what causes canker sores, but they may be triggered by stress, poor nutrition, food allergies and menstrual periods. I believe that last one is of particular importance to you and seems to be the answer to your last question.Unfortunately, there seems to be no surefire way to prevent them. There are some prescription medicines that can help the healing process. Specifically, an anti-inflammatory (Aphthasol or Kenalog in Orabase) or a collagenase inhibitor (Tetracycline or Peridex).Check out the sites below for good info:
How can I affectively and quickly get rid of my canker sore and prevent them for the future?
Q: I always get these annoying and painful canker sores in my mouth and I have a huge one right now so how can I affectively and quickly get rid of my canker sore and prevent them for the future? Thanks so much!
A: Get Oragel, it wil last a long time, i need a root canal 2 fillings 2 pulled and i use it, its also for kanker soreas, so it’ll work. Until u can get some put a bit of toothpate on it or gurgle salt water. GOOD LUCK!
How do you prevent a canker sore?
Q: How do you prevent them and how can you get rid of them quickly if you do get one? They are so painful and numbing medication doesn’t last very long. Thanks!
A: I’m not sure how to get rid of them quickly. I know to prevent them it is good to avoid artificial sugars in things like soft drinks. Also avoid having too many acidic foods. Stress can also lead to canker sores. How old are you? I used to get them all the time as a child and teenager. Once I got into my 20s (now 25) I stopped getting them very often. I now only get them once every few months.
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