How do you make a yeast infection go away

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There are over the counter treatments, such as Monistat, available at drug stores. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you make a yeast infection go away
Will your period make a yeast infection go away?
I have found that once my period started my symtoms would go away and not return after my period is done. That has happened twice, so im not sure if that is just the case with me, or if it a natural “healer” .
How to make a yeast infection go away without medication…??
You can try eating less sager, more yogurt, less bread and anything less that we use yeast like substance. Also drink a lot of cranberry juice. That’s all I can think…. It is proven that Lactobacillus acidophilus (yeast infection) can be …
How do I make a yeast infection go away for GOOD?
The thing about yeast infections is that once you’ve had one, they’ll keep returning periodically in your life. The best thing to do is find out what’s causing them. Anything from your diet, to taking too many baths can cause one. If you ca…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to make a dogs yeast infection go away?
Q: shes licking her self alot.we clipped the hair by her bottom and the next day she started liking herself constently, to the point that her bottom is completeley bare including the underside of her tail, its is all red and swollen, and driving her nuts, she dragging it and licking it.
A: Take your dog to a Vet. It might not even be a yeast infection.
Does a yeast infection go away after your period?
Q: **Does a yeast infection go away after your period or is it still there? Should you still use a treatment like Monistat? Whenever I get a yeast infection it almost always comes right before my period (about a week) — and the symptoms go away after — Does this mean it’s gone?
A: Yeast infections are very insidious things, it can seem as though it’s gone…but yet still be there in some form or another. Symptoms can vary greatly, though you may not have discharge….it can still cause other problems. A good source to read about yeast infection treatment is this helps…
Will a yeast infection go away if you take a shower everyday and change your underwear?
Q: Will that help a yeast infection to go away…?? or do you need a medication?any tips?
A: Hottie,I can’t believe I’m responding to this on the Internet. My yeast infections were disgusting (vaginal discharge, weird smells, etc.) and all I want to do is forget about them. They did not go away right away. But I also want to help people if possible. Anyway, this doctor, Sarah Summer, has a great program that naturally cures yeast infections:http://TheBestListOnline.Com/cure-yeast-infection.phpI no longer feel the pain and embarrassment. Hopefully, it can help you too.Good luck,Anne
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