How do you know when your lip piercing is infected

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If your piercing is infected, the skin around the area may be red and swollen. It might hurt to touch your piercing, and MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know when your lip piercing is infected
How do you know if your lip piercing is infected?
clear, white and yellow secretion are normal and signs of healing swelling is normal as well, especially for the first week or two. signs of infection: green, brown, red or some other unusual color of discharge unusual redness and swellin…
Do lip piercing become infected easily?
Actually, no. Oral piercings are among the piercings that rarely get infected; that is, if they are taken care of properly. The piercings that are the most prone to infection are the navel and ear cartilage piercings.
Where do you pierce your lip?
You can pierce your lip basically anywhere, top or bottom, as long as you’re not going through any blood vessels. Many people pierce their lip off to either side on the bottom, on both sides of the bottom (“snake bite”), or center…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens when your lip piercing gets infected?
Q: i really need to knowdoes it swell up only!can it kill you or something!please be specific!cheers 😛
A: Yes an infection could possibly kill you. If your body had trouble fighting it or you picked up a truly nasty germ an infection could spread into your bloodstream and kill you. It’s also possible to pick up flesh eating bacteria that are incredibly difficult to kill. This is why it is ESSENTIAL to avoid touching your piercing with dirty hands and to keep the area tidy. Signs of infection are heat, redness, pain, swelling, colored discharge, or a foul smelll. The area will usually look unhealthy and be uncomfortable. If you think you have an infection then you need to see your piercer or your doctor. I suggest the piercer first if you’re not sure about it being an infection since a piercer can give you helpful advice to improve the situation if your piercing is just irritated. If you’ve got stinky green pus and a big red piercing or some obvious indication of infection then just go straight to the doctor. Some whitish discharge and a little tenderness are to be expected in a new or healing piercing. If the piercing is only a few days old, some redness and puffiness is probably also normal. The most important thing you can do for your piercing is to keep your hands off of it. Hands carry germs. If you have a friend who truly ended up with an infected piercing, 99.9% odds are that it happened due to touching with dirty hands. Aside from not touching, all you need to do is a little washing or rinsing to keep the area clean. Follow your piercer’s directions to care for your piercing and you should remain infection-free. If you’ve already made a mistake and are showing signs of an infection, get professional help to sort it out.
What do you do if your lip piercing is infected?
Q: okay im pretty sure my lip is infected and i dont know what to do. its like diggin into my lip really bad and i want to take it out. its like scabbed into/onto my lip and I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. i might go see a doctor but should i just take it out and like slap a bandaid of it? and what can i do if it is infected?thank you 🙂
A: No, do not take it out. Taking out the jewelry will trap the infection inside making your situation even worse. Depending on how bad it is, go back to your piercer, or straight to your doctor. But don’t take out the jewelry unless you’re on antibiotics.
How do you know if your lip piercing is infected?
Q: I’m 15, and I just got my bottom left lip pierced, almost 4 days ago…It started swelling, and now it’s gone down a bitm but I heard that’s normal. Now, the inside, when I push up the stud, it look dark pink from the circle, and it had clear stuff coming out….Is this normal? It looks weird, and I’m scared…
A: clear, white and yellow secretion are normal and signs of healingswelling is normal as well, especially for the first week or two.signs of infection:green, brown, red or some other unusual color of dischargeunusual redness and swellinghot to the touch/burning sensationbad odorfrom my own experience with my lip piercing (which was done with a labret stud btw) you’re going to have days of ups and downs with healing…especially up through the fourth week. being aggressive with making sure you’re keeping the piercing clean will help a lot. make sure you aren’t eating a lot of sweet stuff…it makes for sticky crusties on the outside of your piercing. if your jewelry starts to feel tight, go back to the piercer and have them put something longer in. if you notice swelling when you first wake up, try propping your head up more with pillows. the most important thing is to make sure that you einse with alcohol free mouthwash after everything that you put in your mouth. and don’t slack on brushing. Plaque can build up on your jewelry as well.
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