How do you injure your rotator cuff in your shoulder

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Several conditions can damage the rotator cuff muscles or tendons. Bone spurs in the shoulder are the most common MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you injure your rotator cuff in your shoulder
What’s a SLAP shoulder injury? Is that a new term for rotator cuf…?
A SLAP (superior labral anterior posterior) shoulder injury is not the same as a rotator cuff tear. Both affect the shoulder. Different parts are injured. In the rotator cuff tear, one of four tendons around the shoulder is torn.
Does Mel Gibson have a rotator cuff injury since he can dislocate…?
No, I have the same and so does 2 of my boys. IT is just the joint and the muscle can easily be dislocated and readjusted without pain. That is just the way God made us.
How often should I exercise my rotator cuff after a shoulder impi…?
It is very common for the muscles of the rotator cuff to become injured or impinged due to weakness and impaired postural alignment (along with other possible reasons). These muscles are rather small and along with holding a constant tensio…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take for a injured rotators cuff in your shoulder to heal?
Q: I injured my rotators cuff 2 years ago doing karate. In dance class the other day it started to hurt again and has not stopped since…what should i do?
A: Go back to see your orthopedic doc or start doing the exercises that you had to do last time. You treat it the same way you treated it the first time.
Will manipulation under sedation to break up adhesions in my shoulder make a rotator cuff tear worse?
Q: I fell 4 months ago on the ice and my shoulder was really injured. I did not seek treatment at the time. I have been going to pt for a month with only some improvement. The doc wants to do MUA now, but I’m worried that it could worsen a rotator cuff tear. Please answer soon! thanks for your help.
A: The reason that a manipulation is done is there is bands of fiberous tissue that are restricting movement in the shoulder. Under anesthesia the body is totally relaxed and can be moved without any resistance. The doctor has a chance to break up these bands to free up the shoulder. Having said that one has to ask how many the doctor has done and what was the outcome of these. In my experience you have to go to physical therapy almost immediately or else the gains in mobility will be lost. Talk to your doctor about that and see what they think. Also before embarking on this procedure please remember the following. One do you have a rotator cuff tear and of what tendon or tendons? How much of a tear do you have? In my experience tears do heal but they take a long time, over one year and mostly to recover about two. The therapist should have told you not to lift anything above one pound with that arm. There are exercises that can be done to improve the range of motion of the shoulder. Sometimes these are uncomfortable but should not be painful. Having had some improvement in one month would encourage me as a therapist to continue. I am not sure why the need for the procedure unless there is more to what is going on than you stated. There are very specific exercises to increase the strength of the rotator cuff but they are going to take time. Sometimes it will take as long even with having a manipulation. Sit down with your doctor and ask him any and all questions. If he is unwilling to do so find another doctor that will. Also ask what type of acromial bridge that you have. There are three and depending on the type you have it might be an indication that there might be problems in the future for you. Good luck.
Cortisone shot to shoulder for rotator cuff injury – anyone know personally if it works or has side effects?
Q: A friend injured his rotator cuff in a fall while playing sports. The doctor is suggesting a cortisone shot to his shoulder. He’s been going for physical therapy which was working till he went out and did some yard work and it started hurting again. He doesn’t have completely full motion back yet and he said it hurts a lot at times still.I’m trying to help out and get more information and went to WebMD and some other sites but was wondering if anyone KNOWS anyone who got it or had one themselves. Thanks! He only has about a week to decide. Almost forgot – they didn’t do an MRI only xrays but nothing was broken. Should they have done an MRI before they do a shot? Should he go to another doctor? THANKS!
A: Cortisone may work, and then again it may not. The “side effect” is that it is a catabolic steroid, meaning that it actually breaks down muscle tissue. This is why they recommend that someone receives only two such shots in a lifetime. Your friend really should visit another doctor, preferrably one who is on this list: . This is a list of chiropractors who specialize in sports injuries and extremity care.
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