How do you help a strained neck

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A great method of self massage is to treat specific areas of muscles known to cause certain pain patterns when aggravated as MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you help a strained neck
Would Motrin help my strained neck muscle?
Ibuprofen helps reduce swelling as well as relieve pain. Vicodin is just going to block the pain. Soma will relax your muscles, of course. It is safe to take vicodin and ibuprofen at the same and you will likely see a great increase in your…
Will a neck brace help prevent neck strain when benching heavy we…?
You need magnesium and calcium for muscle strain . If you lift with a neck brace you could cause yourself to pass out.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I keep from reinjuring a strained neck while sleeping?
Q: Every once in a while I strain a neck muscle while sleeping. Usually I can heal it in a few days by sleeping on my back, wrapping a towel around it, babying it, etc. This time, however, it seems to keep getting re-strained every night no matter what I do. I’ve tried sleeping on my back, my side, with a pillow, without a pillow, with a neck brace, without a neck brace, and even in a chair sitting upright. It’s been over a week now and every night is the same: wake up with pain in the middle of the night. I’m quite certain it’s a muscle and not spinal or nerve damage. No numbness or shooting pain or anything like that.
A: You may ask your Dr for muscle relaxers to take at bed time.
How can i heal my strained neck?
Q: I have strained my neck in training and i now cannot turn my head left. Its down the left side of my neck at the back, i heard a click when it happend. Is there anyway i can ease the pain or cure it? How long will it be sore for?
A: rest it and don’t turn your head fast.
I need help on how to treat a strained neck muscle?
Q: I recently strained a neck muscle while performing pull ups. It hurts when I sneeze, move certain way, I even had to sleep sitting up to keep it from hurting. I need help please? I need to return to work .
A: You can try applying heat to the area such as like with a heating pad (an example only). You can even try something like Icy Hot to see if that is of some help.However, because of how long this has been going on for I would recommend seeing your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they think could be going on.
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