How do you get rid of pimple

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Wash your face and hands before attempting to pop the pimple.Washing your face and hands ensures that all makeup, oils,…More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of pimple
Pimples usually pop up when dirt is trapped in your skin, to prevent pimples you should avoid over washing your face. Change your pillowcase and towel regularly, avoid touching your face with your hands and eat right, it’s not all about wha…
・ 1 Before we look to get rid of pimples I want to explain how one is caused. A pimple actually starts… ・ 2 The easiest way to get rid of and prevent pimples is to keep your face clean at all times. Keeping… ・ 3 A few home remedies to p…
・ Do not touch or pop the pimple. It will only make the pimple more obvious and risk infection and scarring… ・ Wash your hands thoroughly before you touch your face. ・ Wash your face gently but thoroughly with a mild, medicated soap and w…

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A: use acne cream
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A: Ok,if you want to get rid of zits,acne,blackheads,and make your face feel soft,this is what you do.1.) Boil a pot of water.2.) Turn off the stove 3.) Put a towel over the back of your head and hold your face over the steam for ten minutes {Not in the water} [The steam helps open and purifys pores,so the honey is more effective]4.) Cover your problem areas or your entire face with honey.5.) Leave on for twenty minutes6.) Rinse off7.) Do every day till you get your desired results
How can I get rid of spots/pimples please?
Q: Help me!I Need Some Ways To Get Rid Of Spots And Pimples.I Dont Like Wearing Makeup to cover.Anyway to help them then?I want to get rid of them by two weeks.
A: Try taking one egg and 10 drops of of lemon juice (preferably fresh). Separate the egg yolk and white, and pour the white into a small bowl. Stir with a whisk, spoon, or fork until almost completely white (it should be kind of clear at the same time) or for about 1 minute. Add 10 drops of lemon juice. Stir for about 10 seconds, or until mixture smells like lemons. Take a padded paper towel or cotton ball pad and dab it into the mixture. Make sure hair is pulled back from face, and spread the egg/lemon mixture onto trouble spots, much like a face mask. Be prepared- the mixture is a little sticky and sometimes itchy (depending on your skin type), it tightens your skin (but that is a good thing!) and you cannot move your face much for fear of cracking it. After 20 minutes (or when egg feels completely dry), wash mask off with warm water. Do Not use a Wash Cloth for this Step. It damages skin. Wash off very gently using bare hands, and try to minimize the time your face spends in water (but try to make sure all of the mask is of- that’s more important than how long you wash your face). Try this once every 2-3 days (i.e. Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Tuesday, etc.). This does leave your face a little dry, so apply a very small amount of moisturizer or face lotion every time you use it. Another great way to clear your face is to wash it no more than twice a day. This way, your skin won’t get irritated.
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