How do you get rid of menstraul cramps

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The first and often most effective relief for menstrual cramps is an OTC pain reliever such as Midol! Use applied heat to MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of menstraul cramps
・ 1 Take pain relievers. Over the counter pain relievers like Tylenol, Motrin, or Aleve will help ease… ・ 2 Exercise. Walking or other light exercise helps ease menstrual cramps because when you exercise, the… ・ 3 Stay hydrated. Dehydra…
・ If you do not already have Ibuprofen, go to the store and buy some. Ibuprofen comes over the counter… ・ Take the Ibuprofen right away and according to label instructions for your age and/or weight range. ・ Pile throw pillows a few feet …
When I began I had no pain, but when I became a little older (maybe a year or so after I started) I began having horrid pain. The type of pain that meant I could barely function and sometimes because nauseous because of. I spoke to my Dr (m…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the best way to get rid of the nausea and cramps that come with your menstraul cycle?
Q: the cramps seem to radiate from my back down into my stomach and the pms pills don’t seem to work what can i do to ease them up a bit?
A: I usaually drink mint tea for the nausea, and take excederin PM for the cramps. Be careful with it though, it makes you really sleepy, but it works really well for cramps. Good luck!!
Ladies: How do you relieve menstraul cramps??
Q: hi, i’m on my period and my cramps wont go away! i took some midol almost an hour ago and it’s not working! what other ways do you soothe/relieve/or get rid of your menstraul cramps? help please! thanks!
A: motrin, hot bath curl up with a heating pad and take a nap- in that order. works well.
What’s A Good Way To Get Rid?
Q: To Get Rid Of Menstraul Cramps. :(Please help.
A: Ibuprofen works wonders, much more than paracetemol. Take both if you want but if you’re only gonna take one go for ibuprofen.I’d actually disagree with the “don’t use a hot water bottle thing”. It’s probably better to have a bath because it helps relax all your muscles and not just the ones in your abdomen, but if that’s not possible then find yourself something toasty, wrap it in a towel and hold it to your lower stomach. The cramps should ease off within minutes.And yes, exercise is actually good for you in terms of cramps, try walking about (not outdoors if it’s too cold, stay warm, it helps with the pain) but try to stay active.Hope this helps =]
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