How do you get rid of hic-ups

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To cure hic ups, just drink a glass of water. Then eat a piece of bread. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of hic-ups
How do you get rid of hic ups?
The method that has worked for me for a long time is to drink a small amount (about a half a shot) of vinegar. I know it sounds horrible, but it has worked for me for more than 30 years.
What causes hic-ups? How can I get rid of them?
you can get rid of them by holding your breathe.
This is what stops mine in their tracks: Plug your nose and take 7 slow, big sips of water..not soda. If that doesn’t work, the next best thing that works is to take a drink but don’t swallow yet. Bend over as far as you can (like you are g…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get Hic-ups and how do you get rid of them?
Q: Hey, I get hic-ups all the time, and just wondering what the cause of them is, and also if anyone had good remedies for getting rid of them.Thank youAmelia ; )
A: Not sure how you get them but i do know how to get rid of them. It sounds wired but hold your nose closed and plug your ears then drink water through a straw for at least 15 seconds. trust me it works.
how do you get rid of hic ups if you already tried holding your breathe and drinking water?
Q: i cant get rid of them and i have a very important meeting in a few hours
A: swallow a spoonful of sugar
What can I do to get rid of hic-ups plz? I’ve tried the usual of holding my breath, having a drink and geting
Q: a fright, but I can’t stop them.
A: I have had alot of luck with the following:Put both your hands stretched to max above your head … join the hands together …. take a deep breath in and hold your breath as long as possible …. this has worked at a very high success rate … a trauma nurse taught me this … i could have singultus for hours (hiccups) … and this resolved my issue …Good luck!
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