How do you get rid of black lips

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of black lips”,you can compare them.

You can use toothbrush simply to exfoliate the dead skin cells off your lips. Use them gently to avoid hurting delicate lips. MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of black lips
first stop rubbing or scrubbing your lip coz the more you rub skin the more they get darker.and use a lip moisturizer with spf. eventually the skin tone will normalize. the more u treat ur lip the more the skin will get irritated. try ignor…
Either your friend needs to see a doctor to see if she has any underlying health issues which may be causing this or if she is on medication then she needs a review to see it there is a problem OR She needs to change her lipgloss/lipstick f…
Black lips often tend to cast a sad reflection on one’s shoddy lifestyle despite having been blessed with a flawless skin and figure. While having naturally dark colored lips from birth is absolutely fine, researches state that there are a …

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how do you get rid off black lips?(due to smoking) any creams or bleaching creams out there?
Q: I recently quit smoking and want to know how i can get rid of these horrible lips.
A: Try either brushing them or use carmex. Brushing them removces the dead skin and if you do it enough then it will remove the black skin,b ecause it is the fist layer of skin and if you use carmex it sticngs a little, because it is medicated and it burns the skin off of your lips or you can do both, I use carmex and brushing method well I used that method I brush my lips with toothpaste still on them and then put carmex on u feel the skin peeling off. I hate when people ask what were ppl smokin when they ask how to get rid of black lips, african americans get black lips when we smoke cigs or marijuana, caucasin get dark circles under their eyes, so what we are all human
Is there a quick way to get rid of black lips, once and for all? Either commercial or home made.?
Q: Is there any remedy for dry and black lips. My lips are prone to the said condition, no matter what the surroundings are. It gets worse when i am ill or having some other seasonal ailments. I am healthy overall with a brownish complexion and do not smoke or drink. The problem leads me to frequently apply petroleum jelly, etc but that fixture too is temporary. Is there an easy remedy to make the lips soft and pink as it should be?
A: Who said your lips are suppose to be pink? You need to carry around chap stick. Mary K has this lip mask and lip stuff that makes your lips very soft. Its called Satin Lips As far as the color, I don’t know of anything that can change the color. I have chocolately lips and I brighten them up with peach make up. I am a chick however. Good Luck
how do you get rid of black lips?
Q: i have a friend who has black lips but doesn’t smoke. i want to help her.
A: Either your friend needs to see a doctor to see if she has any underlying health issues which may be causing this or if she is on medication then she needs a review to see it there is a problem OR She needs to change her lipgloss/lipstick for another shade OR she may consider herself lucky to have an album of Black Lips Over to you to decide if any of these apply
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