How do you get rid of an ingrown hair on your arm

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of an ingrown hair on your arm”,you can compare them.

You should get an ingrown hair tweezer and lift the end of the hair out from the skin. Cleanse the area afterward. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of an ingrown hair on your arm
How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs on Arms
・ 1 Wash your arms twice daily with an antibacterial cleanser. If bacteria gets into your pores, it can… ・ 2 Dip a cotton ball in toner or astringent and apply it to your arms. Toner and astringent help to tighten… ・ 3 Wear loose, cotto…
How to get rid of hairs?
Step 1: Shave it. One of the quickest ways to get rid of underarm hair is to shave it. Find yourself a sharp razor and drag it over your underarms a few times, in both directions. (Make sure your skin is wet or you’ll have unsightly razor b…
How do I get rid of ingrown hair under my arm??
Well, when you shave ex foliate underneath your arm and that will help prevent ingrown hairs. As for current ones, get a pair of tweezers and just pluck it out. It will probably bleed some. Just put some antibiotic ointment on it and leave …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do you get rid of ingrown hair on your arm?
Q: should i cut it myself? or is there some type of medication i can try?
A: If you gently rub the ingrown hair with a sharp pair of tweezers until the hair is visible then pull it. Be careful the strength you rub the area as to not cause any pain.- alisha.
What can I do to get rid of an ingrown hair?
Q: I have an ingrown hair on my arm. It’s to the point now that I can’t even see the hair anymore. It looks like a big ugly pimple, and it hurts! What is the easiest (and preferably least painful) way to get rid of it?
A: There is no least painful way. You should 1st: put some vicks vapor rub on it and see if will come to the surface. Then you need to push it and make all the puss come out. If the hair comes with it, then you need to pull the hair out too. Then put some peroxide on it and boil all the rest of the puss out. Let it dry and don’t put a band aide or any neosporin on it. Just let it air out.
How to get rid of ingrown hair on arms and legs?
Q: don’t suggest needle and tweezer. I’ve loads of ingrown hair, can’t pull out each of them one by one.
A: Scrub with a wash cloth and soap that contains salicylic acid. Can be found in almost any acne wash at the store.
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