How do you get over jealousy

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Learn from past experiences, Deal with reality, Respect yourself, Get a third party’s opinion, and Set some rules early on [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get over jealousy
・ 1. Take a good look at the situation. If you suspect someone is cheating on you or if you’re upset … ・ 2. Respect yourself. Jealousy breeds in our shortcomings and our fears. Stop going over what is going … ・ 3. Get a third party’s op…
I’m completely the same way. It is okay to get jealous, just remind yourself the good things about your relationship and remember that you trust him, and if you don’t, you two should have a talk. Don’t talk to him about this until you f…
Have you told her how you feel? She night even be happy to hear it. Means you care. And at least you are aware of whats happening. If you didn’t know what was going on it would be totally different. Just think that perhaps she just wants a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I get over my jealousy?
Q: I have a 2 year boyfriend and we have a 6 month old daughter together. He’s 19 and i’m 17 and I get super jealous when I know he hasn’t done anything. He’s been nothing but great to me especially with our daughter. I have no proof or signs that he’s cheating, so how do I get over this childish jealousy?
A: If hes the great boyfriend that you say he is, than think about what it would be like if he left you over that jealousy thing. That usually helps for a little while.
How can I get over my BAD jealousy problem?
Q: I am 17 and while jealousy is a staple in most teens lives it is huge in mines. I cannot help this feeling when it comes over me and when it comes it may come over the most trivial of things like shoes or a nice hairstyle. When I get this feeling it is so extreme that even my stomach hurts. I usually don’t say anything but I carry this feeling around with me and when things are calm thats when I bring it back up. (I have suspected that I am passive agressive and I looked up some of the symptoms and the match me to a T) I will belittle the person as i said once things calm down to the point where they feel insecure and often times hurt. But i do it in little spurts, and admittedly i do it very sneaky so that people don’t categorize me as “the bitch” to say that it is all carefully crafted, my revenge, is a truth. And yet when I know that i’ve hurt someone at first i feel happy then remorsefull but most of the time empty, very empty. I don’t want to be this way but I always have been.I don’t want to feel this way anymore but whenever I try to get over it it never works. I’d like to clarify that I’ve never done anything to physically harm anyone and don’t think I will, but my verbal comments are lethal. I am usually a mellow person its just that when that feeling of jealousy and resentment comes up . . I don’t know. Maybe I am passive aggressive . . . very passive agressive. I’d just like some help on how to possibly stop this, can it be stopped? I don’t wanna lose all my friends over this but it’s been happening more increasingly.Please Answer honestly
A: I am no expert really: not even close. So whatever I say, don’t take it 100% reliable. I suspect this feeling you have may be because deep down you lack certain confidence in your image, who you are (your accomplishments, looks and ambitions). And what you do is you look for others and their accomplishments, looks and ambitions for guidance (as a start). However, despite you admire that of them, it makes you feel envious, because it is something you want for yourself, and because maybe you feel you have suffered more than those others and/or think you deserve it more than they do, you try to demoralize them verbally (perhaps not intentionally, but perhaps on a not so conscious level). It is a matter of what you want for yourself, and what you cannot achieve on your own terms. The problem, I think, is that you want what you don’t have. And while it is always recommendable that you have objectives and goals for obtaining new things, I think that first you need to work on yourself as the prime-core of your development. I need you to see yourself not as the person you are in comparison to those you are jealous about, but you in terms of what your goals and personal ambitions are. Are you happy where you are? Do you want more? What do you want? Are you in the right track? Once you are on track and happy of the direction where you are going, I believe you won’t be so jealous of others, because you will have something that matters to you the most: your own unique personal development. Maybe the habit of being jealous won’t be fully erradicated, but at least you can focus more on your development than in the progress of others relative to your own. Just remember we all have our paths and some take longer than others.Hope I was of help, and remember that I have no expertise, so I am not 100% reliable.
How to get over jealousy issues?
Q: I really need help getting over my jealousy.Okay, so my best friend has been spending time with a lot of her other friends. She plans her weekends with them, while I sit in the house alone. I don’t have many other friends, but it’s really not about that. I just want to know how to get over jealousy in general.
A: I think its fair you feel jealous, as you are being left out of her plans.. maybe confront her about it as to why she isn’t inviting you..Or maybe you should try and organise something instead of waiting for her to organise for you two to do something.
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