How do you get liver cancer

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Liver cancer can be caused by alcoholism or drug addiction. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get liver cancer
How do you get liver cancer?
Cirrhosis can lead to cancer, Diabetes can increase the risk, Obesity, Aflatoxins [Substance found in a fungus that gets into peanuts, soybeans, wheat, corn, rice, and groundnuts], hepatitis B and C, Anabolic Steroids, Arsenic, birth contro…
Is there a cure for cancer?
Sorry to hear about your mother. There is no guaranteed cure for any cancer. Some cancers can be cured – seven out of ten children are cured of cancer, for example. Testicular cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all b…
Who gets Liver cancer?
Profile for Liver cancer: In the United States, liver cancer occurs more often in people over age 60 than in younger people. Gender Profile for Liver cancer: Men 2:1 women. Gender Profile for Liver cancer: Men are twice as likely as women t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Metastatic liver cancer- am looking for medical center that does the most research in that area?
Q: I contracted colon cancer about three years ago and had it removed by resection. This was followed by chemo using oxiplatin anf FU-5. I faired really well except for neural damage in feet. Now a spot has appeared in the upper portion of my liver which is metastatic from the colon. A local liver surgeon is planning a resection and this will undoubted be followed by more chemo. I understand the real risk is from other seedlings of the cancer which may now start to appear either in the liver or other organs and that my defenses will be really low to fight them. I am looking to find the research center who most commonly deals with metastatic colon cancer to learn as much as possible about new techniques, drugs, or whatever. I might go there for the surgery or at a minimum get a second opinion on procedure etc.
A: stanford medical center- plus u should get hold of sales reps from genentech and see if they have new study going on that is specific for liver cancer.
Does chemotherapy work in helping to cure liver cancer?
Q: How effective is chemotherapy. I know someone who has primary liver cancer (so hasn’t spread anywhere in the body) and is about to start chemotherapy in order to shrink the tuma/s on the liver to then remove them surgically.
A: If you study the figures, you’ll find plenty of opinions on both sides. The ACS claims a 44% percent success rate in treating all cancers with chemotherapy, but their figures are based on five year survival rates. Ten year survival rates for cancer treated with chemotherapy are less than ten percent.That is a lower survival rate than untreated cancers.The sad fact of the matter is that cancer is a billion dollar industry, and there are many people with great influence, who have a vested interest in keeping cancer alive.The key to their profit has always been the patenting of pharmaceutical drugs and treatments of the symptoms, and not the cause. They claim not to understand the cause of cancer, and yet fervently deny any cure exists, and if you suggest otherwise, they claim you are a quack. For almost a hundred years, doctors have come forward with effective treatments for all kinds of cancer, and been suppressed; Because natural remedies cannot be patented, and hence reap no profit for the pharmaceutical industry.Cancer is caused by imbalance and toxicity in the system.It is brought on by elements in our air and water, but primarily our food. The majority of food in America today is toxic, and can cause a wide variety of diseases, from cancer, to diabetes, to heart problems and immune dysfunction.Chemotherapy does nothing to treat this cause. In fact, it introduces more toxins into they system and cripples the immune system.Don’t take my word for it, do your research online. Google “chemotherapy survival rates”Then, if you’re as unsatisfied with western treatments as I am, google these:Tai ChiQiGongGersonHoxseyModern medicine will tell you this is all quackery…From atop the growing pile of chemotherapy treated and radiated corpses, 56 million annually.Ask yourself if you would trust the same men who push pills on you during the nightly news, between commercials for greasy fast food burgers and shiny American cars made in Mexico, or are they just in it for the money?The answer might save your friend’s life.
What are your chances of living if you get liver cancer surgery?
Q: A very close person in my family has been diagnosed with liver cancer. He is gonna be getting surgery very soon an i wanna know what are the chances of him living..Thank you so much!!!Please Pray for him!
A: i will pray for the poor person from the core of heart. i would like to know what kind of cancer was that was it primary or secondary? and also was benign or malignant. secondary cancers are dangerous one with little chances of life. if it was a benign then it can have good prognosis. It is also important whether how much of the liver is involved by the cancer. Which kind of surgery is he gona have,whether whole of the liver is being removed or half of it. if a part of liver is being removed then the good news is that liver grows back, it has regerating power? if whole of it is being removed,then my frend there is no other organ in our body that can perform funtions like liver.. a very neurotoxic(brain distroyer) substance called ammonia produced by breakdown of proteins is removed from blood by THE LIVER and due to any reason liver is failed or absent to perform this important function the ammonia accumulates in blood and stars dystroying brain …and then end result is coma..
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