How do you get bloody noses

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Nosebleeds can be caused by dry air, snorting cocaine, medications, trauma and bleeding disorders. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get bloody noses
How do you get a bloody nose?
you get punched in the nose. Well, it is also caused by dryness in the air.
How to stop a bloody nose?
Afrin spray. ice pack to nose and pinch below nasal cartilage for about 10 “, then lie down, if not already, no picking, blowing or lifting heavy objects for a few hrs . Are you on blood thinners or large doses of aspirin/motrin. Sinus…
Why do people get bloody noses?
Bloody noses are usually caused by dry air in your home – it makes your nasal membranes dry, which can cause the tissues to crack and bleed. If this is the case, try using a humidifier or saline spray. Maybe you are tilting your head back…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If someone gets headaches and bloody noses a lot, should they see a doctor immediately?
Q: A friend of mine has been getting bloody noses a lot, for a while now, just randomly, and gets very bad headaches every other day. Is this something serious? Or is it just some kind of sinus problem? Any help i can get would be great.
A: It could be sinuses and very low humidity or it can be something more serious like hypertension. I’d see a doctor as soon as I could get an appointment and it is an emergency if the bleeding lasts more that 4-5 minutes.
What are the causes for bloody noses?
Q: I am just wondering because most people get them and I want to know what the cause of everyones bloody noses are.Thanks a bunch!
A: dry air, heat , headaches, and sinus pressure that’s what causes my husband to get a bloody nose.
When I get bloody noses I have the tendency to have blood clots come out of my nose. Why?
Q: When I get bloody noses I tend to get these huge blood clots that come out of my nose. I mean BIG–around 2 inches long and 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch in diameter. Sometimes I don’t get them, but I have had up to two with one bloody nose.Is this normal? What causes it?
A: It is normal. It is just your body’s way of stopping the bleeding. Just like a cut, the blood forms a clot in order to begin repairing and to protect the wound. I worked at a daycare and had a 3-4 year old girl with very serious nosebleeds and hers did the same thing. She never did-as far as I know-have to go to the doctor for it. Although sometimes Doctors will cauterize your nose.
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