How do you get a stye

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A sty results from an acute infection of the oil glands of the eyelid (meibomian glands) that occurs after these glands More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get a stye
How do you get a stye?
Styes are commonly caused by a Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infection. Styes are experienced by people of all ages, and can be triggered by stress or poor nutrition. Styes are contagious, so care should be taken to avoid touching the eye…
ouch i got that last year, what helped me was my mom got me this pink eye-eye drops and it got so much better the next day
What is a stye?
A stye is an infection in one of the tiny follicles in which the eyelash grows. It looks like a very small boil and can be quite sore, particularly in small children.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i have a stye on the bottom of my TOP eyelid. how do i make it go away and can i wear eyeliner on the BOTTOM of my eye but not on my top eyelid? like under my eyeball haha is wear i wanna wear it. above my eyeball is wehre the stye is 😀
A: I agree with what the other person just said. Avoid putting eye make up. You don’t want to transfer any germs on your make up, especially your mascara, because mascara is wet & it can be a good place for germs, so stay away from it while you still have it.Put a warm compress over it.Wait it out. Make sure that your stye is really gone before you put your eye make up. It’s better to be on the safe side rather than risk putting any make up & further worsen the condition.If you are conscious about the stye why don’t you just wear some shades or glasses to cover it up.
What are the best ways to relieve intense itching from a stye in the eye?
Q: My mom has a bad stye in her lower eyelid. She can’t get into the doctor till tuesday, so she’s putting up with it until then. She’s pretty miserable cause its draining and itching intensely. Are there any ways to relieve the itching without actually scratching it? Cause I know it’s bad to rub the eyelid. She’s already tried applying warm clothes and puttig stye drops in, neither relieve the itching, any ideas?
A: Okay..I know this is gross but this works. Stop putting eye drops on it. She needs to wash her hands,pee on her finger and rub it on the stye. My fiancee gets them all the time.Its an old fashioned hom remedy.
How to get rid of a nasty stye?
Q: I woke up with my eye really swollen and feeling like someone punched me in the eye. My mom gave me some aloe vera to put on the stye and the swelling came down a little bit. Is there anything I can do to get rid of the stye quickly? Home remedies? Please Help!
A: That potato thing is really random hahaJust hold a warm face cloth on it. Styes are like zits, they are built up under the skin and you need to apply heat to the pore and it will open up and clean itself out. Not right away but it should go away in 2 or 3 days instead of a week. If you google it, it always says apply warm water.
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