How do you fix constipation

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To help with constipation, try increasing fiber, using a laxative, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, or suppositories. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you fix constipation
How can you fix constipation?
Administer a laxative or an enema. or… eat raisan bran (cereal), which has lots of fibre.
What can I do to get rid of constipation?
You poor thing! Im sure its very uncomfortable but you do need to get things moving as quickly as possible because things will only get worse. You should be drinking ALOT of water and eating alot of fruit, nuts (especially almonds) and eati…
What is a natural way to fix painful constipation?
High fiber foods can help a lot. Soluble fiber from fruit and veg will help the most in terms of stool softening. But insoluble fiber, like that from whole grains will also help. Although I always recommend foods first and foremost constipa…

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How do I fix constipation in my puppy?
Q: So my 6 month old shih tzu vomited about 8 times yesterday. I called the vet and he said to boil chicken and rice and give her that to eat. Done. Today, Charlotte hasn’t had a bowel movement. I’m hoping she hasn’t become constipated due to the food. What should I do to loosen up her stool and get her to have a bowel movement?My puppy has stopped vomiting yesterday, our only concern is that she’s not had a bowel movement. Could it be the rice and chicken?
A: There comes a time in everyone’s life when constipation rears its ugly head. The same holds true for dogs, unfortunately. Lack of exercise and proper diet can lead to bouts of constipation (sound familiar?). While you may seek a variety of ways to “eliminate” this problem in your own life, let’s explore some home remedies for dog constipation which can be utilized in the eventuality it occurs in theirs.As mentioned earlier, a proper diet and exercise are key components in ensuring your dog has the ability to move his bowels as often as necessary. House dogs usually need to be walked twice a day while maintaining a proper diet. If your dog becomes constipated, one method to alleviate this problem is by adding one to two teaspoons of bran to his meal. This allows for extra moisture in the stool.Another method to soften the stool would be to add psyllium (Metamucil in the adult world) to his diet. Half a teaspoon twice a day, in addition to drinking plenty of water, will suffice. A third option would be mineral oil. This may be used in cases where there is a large build-up of hard stool. Two teaspoons, twice a day should be added to his meal, but for only a week. There are several other steps you can take to alleviate your dog’s constipation. Keep his food moist by adding a bit of water. If your dog is getting on in years, add some raw meat and vegetables to his diet.There are certain signs which can alert you to potential problems, and for which you can take immediate steps. Long hair on dogs can cause feces to become entangled; therefore, keep your dog properly groomed. Dogs tend to eat everything in sight, ensure no bones or other material has been ingested. Just as we experience constipation due to certain medications, dogs are no exception. Psychological stress is another indicator relating to constipation.While it has been suggested that all breeds and dogs of any age are prone to constipation, there are other aspects which you may need to consider, and for which many dog owners are culpable. Never feed your dog from the dinner table. While you may indulge the dog with a few scraps here and there, you are contributing to his constipation.Foods that contain flour, sugar, rice, dairy and high protein are the main source of the problem. Ice cream, cookies, bread, chocolate, or other unhealthy food items can cause your dog unnecessary pain. As mentioned earlier, a lack of fiber and dehydration are common causes. Another cause for concern would be a condition known as mega colon. This simply means your dog has an inflamed colon which prevents the discharge of feces.The time to visit the vet will become evident when your dog’s inability to defecate is hampered by a decreased appetite, passing blood in minimal amounts, and overall lethargy. Keep in mind, contributing to the overall health of your dog should be of the utmost importance. A dog’s love is unconditional, therefore, he or she is totally dependent upon you to maintain a healthy and harmonious life. Be ever vigilant to any signs of stress and ensure his diet and exercise regimen is appropriate and on-going.
what is a natural way to fix painful constipation?
Q: my dear friend suffers terribly from constipation. I imagine it’s from the medication he has to take. Considering that not taking the medication at this point is simply not an option, and he’s stuck eating hospital food – what is a natural way he can cure his constipation? it breaks my heart to hear that he’s up till 3am in horrible pain! he’s the sweetest guy – can anyone help?
A: High fiber foods can help a lot. Soluble fiber from fruit and veg will help the most in terms of stool softening. But insoluble fiber, like that from whole grains will also help. Although I always recommend foods first and foremost constipation from medication is probably going to require a little more. Something like a high fiber drink (benefiber is the best as it has the most soluble, or metamucil if you can get that). The hospital may even supply this. One thing to remember about fiber is you also need water! Fiber works as it is not digested and it attracts water into the bowel. This makes you stools softer, easier to pass and quicker (as they are more bulky so you push them through faster). But you need to be drinking water too. Not excessive, but about 1-2L per day.Lactose can help as it works the same way as fiber, attracting water into the bowel. But it can cause bloating and flatulence as the undigested lactose (a sugar) is fermented by the colonic bacteria.
How do you fix constipation?
Q: Okay so my son is having major poopy problems. He is six months old and poops one solid piece every time he goes. We have tired karo syrup, milk of magnesia, etc…Nothing works! Any advice for this one?
A: He is old enough now to try some baby food plums, prunes, and peaches. Giving him 2 servings of those daily should help. You can also give him up to four ounces of prune juice mixed with four ounces of water. How much Karo did you use and which type? Our pediatrician recomended that we do this for two of my babies and it worked well. We would put an ounce of Dark Karo into four ounces of formula 2x day and it helped keep them regular. She said that only the dark karo works.
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