How do you deal with anxiety

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you deal with anxiety”,you can compare them.

Tips on dealing with anxiety: 1-Become a relaxation expert. 2-Get enough sleep, nourishment, and exercise. 3-Connect with (MORE) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you deal with anxiety
・ 1 AGKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE ANXIETY Some people are afraid to even acknowledge they have a problem because… ・ 2 CONFIDE IN A FRIEND OR CLERGY I told an acquaintance at my church that I deal with anxiety and depression… ・ 3 FIND SUPPOR…
Anxiety? Anxiety is part of the human condition. There is hardly anybody who does not experience anxiety. But there is a great difference on how we deal with anxiety when it overwhelms us. First of all we need to recognize the specifics. T…
Excellent skirting of my main points. It seems you’d rather squabble and condescend, and that’s fine, but your conclusions are all wrong. You expect me to “convey the concepts of compassion and empathy” … This isn’t a group ther…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you deal with your anxiety and anxiety attacks, besides medicine and theropy?
Q: My anxiety is worse this year, so I’m starting therapy (plus I have depression) and I do take medicine, which helps a bit, but I’m in agony! I have anxiety attacks periodically, my heart pounds and it feels like someone is pushing on my chest. I get reastless and my whole body is tense and its agonizing! Depression doesn’t help either, which I just developed last year. I hate it I wish I could be normal. Please help me, whats your advice? What helps you? I run, which REALLY helps, it makes me happy. But it only lasts for a few hours, then its back up again. Sometimes it keeps me up at night. Help!
A: Usually, I just pray, listen to music, or take a good bite of the Scripture. (Not like that, lol).That helps a lot along with getting to the deeper problem, facing it, and conquering it. It’s easy for medicine to get rid of the symptoms, but the real deal is getting rid of the root of the problem instead of just the leaves.You might find the next two strategies weird, but it works for me! The first one is to stand in front of the mirror and say, “I am mentally healthy, free, *add other stuff here*….”Another way is to force yourself to laugh. Genuinely. Go look for funny videos, movies, jokes, books… whatever works. :)Praying for you, and God bless! :)Oh yeah, and for the guy that just answered above me, be careful of that URL. I’ve seen that guy spam other questions too!
How do you deal with anxiety and panic attacks during pregnancy?
Q: What is the best way to deal with anxiety and panic attacks,especially during pregnancy?
A: Quit whining and take your Midol Scott!
How do I deal with anxiety, guilt and sadness returning to work after baby?
Q: I am returning to work in 2 weeks and am feeling extreme anxiety and guilt about leaving my 6-month baby. I haven’t been apart from him for more than 6 hours since he’s been born. Financially our family needs two incomes, and I am obligated to return to work, but am emotionally not ready. Whenever I think of it, I start crying. How can I deal with this?
A: Just remember that what is good for the mother is good for the child. All involved in the family process have their own needs. Even at an early age children start to understand that they fit in to a larger picture. So getting back to work or your regular routine is really good for a baby. It provides a rythm to their world. Plus after you have picked the proper type day care for you and your child you can feel confident that the socializing they are picking up inherently is very valuable as well.But if these feeling persist or intensify see your doctor or a therapist as post partum depression is real and terrifying.Good luck with work! Enjoy.
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