How do you cure pneumonia

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you cure pneumonia”,you can compare them.

The drug used to treat pneumonia depends on the type of germ you have and on your doctor’s treatment strategy. Keep CHACHAing!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you cure pneumonia
How to Cure Pneumonia
・ 1 Make a doctor’s appointment. Pneumonia is different from the flu or common cold. You can treat these… ・ 2 Drink plenty of water. If you’re dealing with a fever, drinking plenty of fluids, especially water… ・ 3 Take pain medication. …
What over the counter medicine can be used to treat pneumonia??
Pneumonia Treatment. View diagnostic tests, medical proecedures, otc and prescription drugs on Healthline Treatment Search. There are 27 procedures, 16 prescriptions, and 4 supplements found for Pneumonia…
Is pneumonia contagious?
No, pneumonia itself is not contagious. But the infection that caused it could be. For example, if you had a respiratory infection that was caused by a contagious bug, and then the infection led to pneunomia, then someone else could have ca…

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What can you do to cure pneumonia when antibiotics do not work?
Q: My father has been in the hospital for since last Monday. Last Thursday he got antibiotics in order to breathe better and remove the respiratory machine out of him. The virus seems to persist and the lungs are not clean. What are the chances of survival and what can we do, as a family, to get him out of there faster? Thanks.
A: Sounds to me like Surgery is the only option..The mucus and phlem has become so hard,that he is unable to cough it they have to manually remove it..What are the docs saying? I knew someone…she was fairly young and just had a baby and they had to go in and remove the hardened pieces of mucus and phlem from her lungs by doing surgery.
How to cure pneumonia with blood cough?
Q: i have had pneumonia for about…a couple of months.. like 4 i thinki already had antibiotics, but I don’t think it’s getting better. Maybe it still haven’t affect that much. But 1 thing I want to ask also, can i go under an operation to get fully healed?last time i went to the docs he said i might have a disease.. but i forgot what it was called…if i have TB can i give it to my bf?
A: Sweetie you need to see a REAL Dr. fast! There is no operation for curing pneumonia. Did the Dr. test you for TB? Please JUST get to a REAL Dr. ASAP! This is how epidemics of TB or even worse get spread!
Is it possible to truly cure recurrent pneumonia?
Q: Hi. Almost died of pneumonia earlier this year. I took a while to recover. I’m finally feeling 100%. I’m concerned about the coming winter. What kind of treatment should I undergo? I feel that most doctors won’t tell me anything of use, since I look/feel fine now. But I’m basing my judgments on military doctors, since I got pneumonia while in the military. Should I just take collodal silver? Please help.
A: If you have no symptoms nor long term history, you should wait and see. Being sure to take care of yourself in general.If you have a history of frequent or annual URI than I would recommend seeing an acupuncturist, especially during the summer. We carry small amounts of any previous infection, however you would have to weaken yourself for it to return. An acupuncturist can address two of your concerns. Both identifying and treating how your basic health is weak, and so how you are most likely to compromise yourself, but also identifying if you have, in fact, fully recovered, although their idea of recovery is a bit different than an M.D.’s, but certainly with a more meticulous idea of ideal health.If you do not have a previous history and you have no remnants of drowsiness or body aches; if you did not develop new long term symptoms such as night sweats, insomnia, respiratory, or digestive complaints, than in all likely hood you have nothing special to worry about.And remember, the most common way to catch colds and flus is from touching your face and eyes (including picking your nose) without immediately having washed your hands first. Pneumonia normally follows as a secondary illness to a more easily acquired URI. So wash your hands and be meticulous about touching your face.
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