How do you cure hic-ups

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you cure hic-ups”,you can compare them.

Step 1: Start by inhaling through your mouth until your lungs feel full (when it feels like you cannot inhale any more). For.more? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you cure hic-ups
・ Eat about 1/2 a teaspoon of honey
“Take three deep breaths, and then on the third breath, hold it as long as you caI was told this by my anatomy teacher who says hiccups are nothing but your diaphragm having a spasm. So taking three deep breaths and holding the last on…
hold your breath or drink something or suck on someting (hard candy) that usually does it for me

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the real cure for Hic Ups?
Q: I have the answer, I just asked this again in yahoo, to get it out!It is 100% effective!
A: What causes hiccups primarily is the solar plexus rubbing on the sternum. What causes this is a sudden burst of gas, like carbon dioxide (as from soda) basically an expansion of the underlying muscle tissue. Swallowing the wrong way can do this. One neat trick I found was to breath in deep and arch my back. If you can relieve the pressure between the solar plexus and the sternum a bit, it will stop the cycle. Warm tea helps alot, too. BELCHING does not, not really. Soothe the gas and you alleviate the problem.
How do you cure hic-ups?
Q: I tell them to shut the fuck up, but that just makes them angry and they just stay longer. Please Help. Home remedy’s welcome.
A: they need bedrest, so put them in traction. just stomp through their spines, and they’ll have to stay still for a few months. by then they’ll be cured.
How do i cure the hic ups?
A: “Take three deep breaths, and then on the third breath, hold it as long as you caI was told this by my anatomy teacher who says hiccups are nothing but your diaphragm having a spasm. So taking three deep breaths and holding the last one stretches your diaphragm, and therefore stops the hiccups. I have tried this many times, and it does work instantly.”
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