How do you contract meningitis

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Meningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you contract meningitis
How to Contract Meningitis
・ 1 Miss routine vaccinations or forgo vaccinations altogether. This is the first step to possibly contracting… ・ 2 Live, work or learn in close quarters with others. This can lead to an outbreak of meningitis. Neisseria… ・ 3 Get pregna…
How can you contract bacterial meningitis?
Most cases are not transmitted from another person. Many people carry this bacterium in their throat where it can live indefinitely without causing illness. However, on rare occasions the person’s defenses fail and the bacterium enters the …
Can anyone contract meningitis?
Anybody can contract meningitis because it’s an infection. We often come into contact with the bacteria or viruses that cause meningitis, but that doesn’t mean to say that it’s going to progress to meningitis. In some cases, we come into co…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it likely that someone can contract meningitis after visiting the Carribean?
Q: If so which type would it be and how would it be contracted?
A: The most common would be Viral Meningitis and you can get it anywhere.Enteroviruses, the most common cause of viral meningitis, are most often spread through direct contact with respiratory secretions (e.g., saliva, sputum, or nasal mucus) of an infected person. This usually happens by shaking hands with an infected person or touching something they have handled, and then rubbing your own nose or mouth. The virus can also be found in the stool of persons who are infected. The virus is spread through this route mainly among small children who are not yet toilet trained. It can also be spread this way to adults changing the diapers of an infected infant. The incubation period for enteroviruses is usually between 3 and 7 days from the time you are infected until you develop symptoms. You can usually spread the virus to someone else beginning about 3 days after you are infected until about 10 days after you develop symptoms.
Is it possible to contract meningitis from a meningitis vaccine?
Q: I have to get the vaccine for school and I’m scared I’ll get the disease.
A: No, it is a toxoid vaccine. It contains only the small molecule antigens of the bacteria that cause meningitis. There are no actual bacteria in it, and you cannot contract meningitis from the vaccine.
Why do you contract meningitis from people that don’t have it?
Q: people get meningitis from people that don’t have it. why is that?
A: Meningitis is usually transmitted through respiratory secretions. If a carrier (not sick) of organism that causes meningtis coughs on you , you may possibly progress to meningitis Don’t worry too much about it.
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