How do u stop pain from braces

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Take anti inflamatories like Ibuprofen, Motrin or Aleve. You can also try dabbing the tooth with vanilla extract, or using garlic. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do u stop pain from braces
How do you stop pain from braces?
I’m sorry to tell you this, but you can’t. I guess you can slow it down though. Take Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, whatever pain killer you’d normally take, that will help a little. Yeah, when I got braces I didn’t eat for two days then I starte…
Braces, the pain! When will it stop!
Wow ****. well normal because make your teeth go straight and move. Might take two weeks and take a medicine for stop pain.
Is there a pain stopper example Tylenol that actually gets rid of…?
Ibuprofen worked the best for me when I had braces but any pain killer would take the pain away

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Anything that will stop pain from braces?
Q: I tried taking medicine, but that didn’t help too well. Now it really is painful and it hurts a lot! I have worn braces for a while now, and I just got a new wire. Now it is pulling my teeth so hard! I don’t know what to do to ease the terrible pain! Any suggestions?
A: Well actually your pain medication is working, it’s just that your mouth is sore. A lot of people get the pain and soreness mixed up. Your mouth should adjust within the next few days.
How do I stop pain from braces?
Q: I got them on 4 days ago, and it’s not the braces on the teeth that hurt, its the braces on the bottom that are scraping my skin on the inside. I tried wax, but it didn’t work, it would just come off while I eat or when I brush my teeth. Please help!
A: i’ve had my braces for almost 2 years i get them off in October…you’re supposed to take the wax out while eating and brushing your teeth…if they continue to cut up your mouth talk to your orthodontist for alternate ways to prevent it also you can take two Advil liquid gels and two tylenol extra strength at the same time…you will be pain free for almost four hours
How can I stop the pain from my braces?!?!?
Q: I just got my braces this morning and I was feeling fine until about 4 and now the pain is driving me crazy!!! All my teeth feel like they’re loose and are about to fall out!!!!! I know the pain stops after the first two days but is there a way to STOP the pain in the mean time?
A: there’s really nothing you can do other than eat soft foods… if there’s pain even without eating, then you should be taking a pain killer like tylenol. as bad as this sounds, the pain will be completely gone in 1-2 weeks (most likely 1 though)
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