How do they test for gonorrhea in males

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To test for gonorrhea the DR would perform a Urine test.This may help identify bacteria in your urethra.or a Swab of affected area [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do they test for gonorrhea in males
Can a urologist do test for male gonorrhea?
yes a urologist can and will test for this. it is a swab that detects chlamydia and or gonorrhea in one swipe……best of luck

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can a urologist do test for male gonorrhea?
A: yes a urologist can and will test for this. it is a swab that detects chlamydia and or gonorrhea in one swipe……best of luck
im doing a take home health test right now, and need some help?
Q: a bacterial STI that infects the urinary tract of males and females?your choices areA] genital herpesB] Sy[hilisC] gonorrheaD] hepatitis
A: C) Gonorrhea!
HIV ? so scarred 8 weeks ago i had unprotected sex with a neighbor ( i am a hetero male). After drinking a lot?
Q: 8 weeks ago i had unprotected sex with a neighbor ( i am a hetero male). After drinking a lot i had unprotected sex with this woman twice in one night ( later finding out she was always having one night stands). I woke up the next day scared out of my mind. 2 days later i had 2 sores on my penis. One of the end of the head and one near the hole. I figured this had to be Herpes. a week later the sores were gone but i new i had to take an STD test. i got tested for gonorrhea, clumedia, and syphilis and HIV. I went to Plan Parenthood and almost passed out. ( this was about 4 weeks after having sex) The next day i had this horrible creepy crawler feeling that tingles all over my body especially my fingers and toes i would get so nervous white little spots would seem to show . two weeks later I called plan parenthood and they told me the gonorrhea and clumedia came back negative but wernt allowed to tell me the HIV result over the phone. Is this mean i have HIV and they want me to come in??? tomorrow will be 8 weeks and i still have the numbness in my legs and arms, doesnt seem to go. I recently havent had much of an appetite. And the tingling feeling has spread to my throat. Iam a complete mess… Tomorrow i dont know if i have the guts to go and find out. Everything is pointing towards HIV…and i dont think i could live with the fact if the results come back positive.
A: i wouldn’t freak out too much. it’s just a very private matter and for all they know you could be someone else calling in pretending to be you. doctors are often worried about being sued over sharing confidential info, so its likely they’d have you come in whether its a positive or negative result.hope this helped
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