How do people tell other people are fat

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Fat people know they’re fat. So, instead of being rude about it, you should ask if they’d ilke to exercise with you or try a diet. Let them know you’re supportive. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people tell other people are fat
Do you think it’s rude to tell other people that their dog is fat…?
I think that if a friend or family member said something to me it would be one thing, but for a perfect stranger to chime in IS rude. Like you said, sometimes there are reasons that dogs gain or lose a significant amount of weight. My aunt’…
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Q: I’m fat & other fat people, BIGGER than me, tell me I need to lose weight, & then they think have a delusion about being smaller than me & lying about their weight. Don’t they have some guts, right?
A: I know I so agree! There was this woman who I’d met once told me to lose weight she was like 5 times bigger than me. I was about to have a fight with a girl because she talked about my weight for no apparent reason. Her mom is like 5 times bigger than you, me, and 3 other people. I hate that…Its just rude and its terrible! And for those skinny heffas who wanna talk…I can lose my weight but you can’t lose that ugly a*ss face…Haha
Do Christians ever tell fat people to not eat more food then they need because the bible says its a sin?
Q: Or killers not to kill?Or rapers not to rape? Or drug addicts not to do drugs?Then why do they tell gay people not to be gay?
A: I would laugh hysterically if a Christian actually told a fat person that. I’ll post the fat persons reaction on youtube.
If its ok to harass people to quit smoking, why is it wrong to tell fat people to start excercising?
Q: Smoking is bad for your health. We all know this. But so is being overweight. Yet it is socially acceptable for smokers to be nagged at, harassed and otherwise given a hard time to try and get them to quit, but its NOT ok to harass an overweight person who is chowing down on a large Big Mac meal with a thickshake and a sundae!! Why can’t we tell them to excercise, eat healthy, and actually take care of themselves?
A: You don’t need to harass them but instead just kinda look at them and laugh a little bit but only if they’re really fat, that should do the trick
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