How do I wake up not tired

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Make sure you get enough sleep, but not too much to allow your body to rest. Staying on a consistent schedule will help. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I wake up not tired
How to wake up and not be tired?
Ok so I’m no expert but heres some advice. First off, the number one thing is going to bed and waking up at a regular time… but again it seems you’ve already been doing tht. secondly, avoid caffiene and sugar before you sleep.. atleast by…
How to wake up early and not be tired?
Go to sleep at like 8:30 or 9.. no later, and then set an alarm clock and make it go off like crazy in the morning. Washing your face with cold water is a wonderful way to wake up. Don’t use hot water because that just makes you tireder, an…
Do you feel tired and not at all refreshed after waking up in the…?
If you can’t feel refreshed even after a long bout of sleep, then something must be wrong. That means that your air circulation might not be at the optimum levels. Your brain wouldn’t have the oxygen it needs and your body’s cells would not…

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Q: I get a good 8 hours of sleep and i wake up and i’m a little tired and a little sore, but only for an hour or two and then i’m fine and can go workout and everything like that. I just want to know why i feel that way when i wake up and how to prevent it.
A: maybe your bed/matress is not properly adjusted to your needs. it could be too hard. there could be several factors causing this.try using a different pillow.
Why do I wake up tired and not refreshed?
Q: I usually go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 10am. That is 12 hours of sleep, yet I wake up really tired. I do not wake up at night, I am sound asleep through the entire 12 hours. When I wake up I also have huge bags under my eyes which reduce to half there size in an hour or so, after I take a shower. What solutions are there to cure my sleeping illness? Ive had this problem for about 9 years now. Thanks in advance.
A: there are number of possible answers and solutions. One might be sleep apnea, another reason might be any medication you might be taking, I recently heard that chronic fatigue can be caused by an immune system problem. You can try melatonin, which you can get at a supplement store. It’s a natural sleep aid. Also there are a few drugs which are relatively harmless such as Provigil and Nuvigil. Also look at your nutrition and exercise habits, that can have a profound effect on your sleep. thanks.
How can I improve my sleep quality? I always wake up tired?
Q: I always wake up tired no matter how much I sleep, I think I just don’t sleep too well. I often get insomnia. and often i go on the computer when I can’t and that obviously makes things worse..takes even longer for me to get to sleep. any tips on how to beat this?
A: You can do many things: Exercise. Eat healthy. Be productive throughout the day. Give yourself a bedtime.Don’t sleep more than 8 hours at a time.Don’t take naps throughout the day.Don’t drink caffeine or eat within 2 hours of going to sleep.If that doesn’t help, then see a doctor. Although I don’t like drugs, they may help if used in moderation.
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