How do I treat Tendonitis

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I treat Tendonitis”,you can compare them.

Tendinitis treat. includes: avoiding activities that aggravate problem, resting, icing & taking over-the-counter anti-inflam. meds [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I treat Tendonitis
・ 1 As with sprains and strains it is recommended to apply R.I.C.E. R.I.C.E. is (R)est (I)ce (C)ompress… ・ 2 Apply R.I.C.E 1) Rest the injured area and keep the use to an absolute minimum for as long as needed… ・ 3 It is very important …
Tendonitis treatment must begin by avoiding aggravating movements. This may mean taking a break from a favorite activity for a period of time, but this is a necessary step to allow the inflamed tendon to heal. It is also recommended in tend…
with ice and phisiotherapy

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Q: I have tendonitis in my elbow. The pain extends to my upper arm. I do circuit training 3 times per week. I saw a doctor who advised me to stop all upper body equipment until the tendonitis was gone then add one machine back each week. The problem is my tendonitis has never completely healed. It hurts whether or not I have exercised. I take Advil but it gives me very little relief. If I do my upper body exercises when the pain isn’t especially severe am I doing further damage to my arm?
A: I would say that you should go back to your doctor and see what else you can do about it. I know that feeling, tendonitis. I got it on the inside of my knee joint a few years ago and now there is a small bump on the joint. In the meantime R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.) This remedy may help until you can go back to your doctor. Hope you feel better!
How can i treat tendonitis of the knee?
Q: i was running for a long run and at the end when i finally got done, a spot above my knee began to hurt and i don’t know what it is.What is it? and How can i treat it the fastest?
A: Usually tendonitis doesnt jsut appear out of the blue like that. THe only treatment for tendonitis is resting it. Just rest it and ice it. The more you run the more painful it will get so take it easy.
What’s the best way to treat Tendonitis?
Q: I believe I got tendonitis in my knee. It hasnt really been about to heal because I’m always moving and I’m a dancer. I know I need to let up on it so that it can heal, but what are some other things I can do to aid this. It’s uncomfortable and painful at times, and I’d like for it to be gone. Any suggestions? (besides going to the doctor).
A: Tendonitis in the patellar tendon (Jumpers knee) can be relieved during activity by placing a piece of tape firmly around the knee just under the tip of the patella (knee cap). You tape all the way around the knee. Ice and rest it and if it begins to hurt during an activity, stop doing it. Since I am not a doctor, I can not give advice on medications, ask your pharmacists about over the counter antiinflammatories or see your doctor. Gentle stretching may help and once it’s cleared up you might want to try a little strength training for the quads to see if it may help prevent it. I would encourage you to see a doctor because they can give you a definite diagnosis. It may be patellofemoral syndrome (in which case you may need to stretch the IT band and strengthen the inside of your quads), it may be a meniscal tear, ligament injury, bursitis. It is much easier to treat when you have a definite diagnosis.
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