How do I prevent from getting cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I prevent from getting cancer”,you can compare them.

You can avoid cancer by not smoking, eating a healthy diet, exercising, getting screened for cancer if you’re high risk. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I prevent from getting cancer
How do you prevent from getting Cancer?
not doing foolish actions
How do I prevent getting lung cancer?
・ If you do smoke, quitting early in life is best, but it is never too late to kick the habit and reduce … ・ Follow safety rules and procedures to reduce exposure to carcinogens in the workplace.
What can I do to prevent from getting cancer?
Do not smoke. Limit alcohol consumption. Limit sun exposure (skin cancer) Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains (pasta and bread), and limit foods that are high in saturated fat and red meats. Exercise regularly. 30 to 45 minutes o…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do you do to prevent yourself from getting cancer?
Q: My mother passed away in year 2000 because of breast cancer, after 11 years of survival. Actually, in the depth of my heart, I am very much worried about the cancer that often said to be genetic. Does anyone have similar life experience with me? What do you do to stop your mind from worrying and to prevent yourself from getting cancer?
A: I can sympathize with you because many people in my family died from cancer as well. But, actually, cancer isn’t genetic. That’s just a big lie. The reason we get cancer is because of all the chemicals put into processed food. Also, eating animal meat is dangerous today, because of the conditions in which the animals are raised. (I’m a vegetarian myself – I only eat fish and eggs for Omega 3 and iron). Plus, even in buying many fruits and vegetables, they are radiated with dangerous chemicals and pesticides. Yes, it’s a tough world out there. So what do we do?Well, for a start, try to buy organic whenever possible. Especially eat many fruits and vegetables RAW. That’s right, not cooked in an apple pie – eat the raw apple instead!Also, if you bake a lot, or eat sweets, regular flour and sugar are very dangerous. I use whole-wheat flour in my baking, and honey instead of sugar. People are always amazed at the results. It tastes so sweet, you’d never guess there was no sugar put in! I love eating my foods raw – I loosely follow a diet called “The Hallelujah Diet.” It uses 85% raw foods and 15% cooked. I’m not quite that good at balancing my cooked and raw, but I make sure to have something raw at every meal. It’s as simple as putting bananas in your cereal at breakfast (I always buy organic cereal – it’s safest), then having a big salad with loads of veggies with your lunch. For snacks, eat raw fruit or nuts (Almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans… I don’t eat peanuts, they are dangerously high in protein). Then for supper, eat another salad (the good thing about salads is that there are so many different varieties.) And NEVER eat fruit after a meal. Eat it before a meal. Eating cooked food before raw is strongly discouraged – because the cooked food digests slower than the raw – which makes the uncooked ferment in your stomach. Not very pleasant, I can assure you.Okay, I hope this helps you. If you want more information, check out the hallelujah diet website listed before. Good luck! Stay healthy!
How can I prevent my dogs from getting cancer?
Q: I lost 1 of my dogs at 8 from cancer (lymphoma). I also still have a 4 and 17 year old dog at home. I want to do everything possible to prevent the same thing from happening again thanks (ill choose anyone with good tips for best answer)
A: I really dont think its possible for you to prevent an illness like cancer. I would suggest you have the dogs on really good food with no by products or wheat or corn or soy. Make sure they are clean and their teeth are healthy get them into your vets for all their check ups and shots.If your already doing all of these things then I beleive your doing everything in your power to keep your dogs very healthy.
What is the best way to prevent me from getting skin cancer?
Q: I am very frightened about getting this type of cancer. I am in the sun a lot and don’t usually wear sunscreen, where I live it is very hot and the sun is always out really. I do have freckles and I read that it might mean I have a better chance of getting skin cancer. What is the best way to prevent it?
A: Either wear sunscreen all the time, wear long sleeved clothes, or just avoid the sun any other way you can. Good luck, but I just love to hang in the sun. I never get burned so it’s all good. Some people aren’t like that though. I’m sorry.
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