How do I get rid of depression

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I get rid of depression”,you can compare them.

To treat depression, first visit your doctor and get a diagnosis. From there you can get the best treatment suited to your needs. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get rid of depression
・ 1 Get into a regular exercise routine. It doesn’t have to be an hour at the gym every day. Explore activities… ・ 2 Change your eating habits. An occasional treat isn’t going to hurt you, but make sure your diet is… ・ 3 Keep in contact…
・ Get out a little! Even though you don’t feel like getting up, going out and discovering new places, you… ・ Smile! Depression can be killed when you have a happy smile on your face. It can be SO useful. Even if… ・ Take part! Life could…
Everyone is different but your symptoms are increasingly common, even amongst Young people. Sometimes there is a trigger that sets us off downhill. It is normally a succession of downers. That is because as we give into one trigger , our at…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take to get rid of depression after taking medication?
Q: my husband in major depression from the past one month . now he is hospitalised and taking escitalopram 20 mg per day from last two weaks . even now he seems to be depressed and he tried for suicide 2 times he always thought of suicide and he does’nt want to return to work . he feel less energetic & lazy is it possible to recover from depression after one month & to go to job agin . i am really worried about his suicidal ideation. please help me . but his doctor gave him assurance to get rid of of him from the depression.
A: Sometimes it takes up to 30 days for the meds to work.
How does Prozac help to get rid of depression?
Q: I’ve been taking prozac for a very long time, and I still get depressed. I’ve only noticed a few changes in my mood, but if I had to rate this medication, i would give it a 5. I don’t know exactly how it works to make patients like me get rid of depression.
A: Prozac is supposed to help correct a serotonin deficiency in your brain to improve your mood. If you’ve been taking it for a long time at one dose, it might need to be increased, or you might need to try another medication. However, Prozac is not a “happy pill”. You have to make lifestyle changes in conjunction with taking it, like getting rid of whatever is making you depressed, or getting counseling. But you can try other medications, such as Lexapro, Wellbutrin, or other medications to see if they will have a better effect.
How do u get rid of depression without having to take pills or therapy?
Q: I’ve been depressed for most of my life because i feel lonley. I have lot’s of friends and a lot of people like to hangout with me. Im not an ugly guy so i attract a lot of beautiful girls. I could be partying with like a hundred of my friends and having a great time but deep inside I still feel alone. I alway’s have this hollow feeling in my chest and it hurts somewhat physically and emotionaly. Just last night i got drunk for the first time to see if that would get rid of the depression but all i did was cry myself to sleep. I just feel like no matter what i do or who i meet im going to die alone. Help.
A: HiYou need to start liking yourself – your company and believing that you are worth being loved in the first place.Forms of creative expression often help to “drive out the demons” – including music, painting, poetry etc.You could also try the followingExercise – increases the feel good factorsEat healthy and regularly – maintains blood sugar, addresses deficiencies.Do a supplement profile (try “the optimum nutrition bible” by Patrick Holford – just in case you are deficient. i.e. B complex are your stress vitamins.If you think your depressed try St Johns Wort or 5HTP – but please check that these won’t be detrimental to yourself i.e you cant take these with some other medications.Perhaps someone like a motivational coach may help to inspire direction and goals that you don’t realize or believe you can achieve.I wish you well – you’ve taken a big step in realizing and starting to address where you are. x
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