How close are they in finding a cure for AIDS

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Even with extensive prevention efforts from multiple government and private agencies, HIV is still spreading worldwide. More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How close are they in finding a cure for AIDS
Why can we not cure aids?
AIDS Treatment. View diagnostic tests, medical proecedures, otc and prescription drugs on Healthline Treatment Search. There are 27 procedures, 25 prescriptions, and 9 supplements found for AIDS…
How close are we to finding a cure for hiv/aids??
AIDS is cause by HIV virus which is a retrovirus. Retroviruses divide rapidly and hence develop genetic variations quickly hence it is hard to develop cure or vaccine. At least 50 years from around about now before we make a breakthrough, a…
How close are they coming to finding a cure for hiv/aids??
There is a cure for HIV/AIDS. The patent number is 5676977, it’s public information, just visit the website: and look it up. The government is suppressing this information from the public, that’s why you don’t see it in the ne…

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Q: Im just wondering. Also do you think there will ever be a cure?
A: The problem is the outer shell of the virus:you need to make a key that fits to get to the core.And kill it.The horrible HIV-virus changes all the time:years ago there were 4 variants:lost track after that.And viruses cannot be cured at all.The symptoms can be treated.Sorry for all those million infected:they will die anyway.Especially in Africa:no money to get treatment.SkyBeen a “buddy”for years till the meds got that much better that HIV /Aids patients can take care of themselves.Greetings:Sky.
How close are they to finding a cure for HIV/AIDS?
Q: So i recently tested positive for HIV. i didn’t know until a girl i was with for a few months called me and told me she was positive, and i got tested. I know there’s no cure yet, but I know i don’t have unlimited time. Do you think they’ll have a cure in the next 5 years? 10 years? If not, at least better treatment? im a 19 year old college student so I think you can understand the kind of predicament i’m in.also i’m worried how this will affect my future when it comes to getting jobs and stuff. i plan on getting an education and starting a career but i’ve heard they wont hire people who are HIV positive.
A: I’m so sorry to hear about those results. So far there is no cure for HIV/AIDS. How ever there is hope.Everyday researchers are finding more and more new treatments and may soon be able to utilize lysozyme to slow the spread of the disease. HIV status is confidential, so employers won’t know. Even if they find out, they can’t fire you just because you have it.
How close are they coming to finding a cure for hiv/aids?
Q: I know that HIV is no longer a death sentence, but there HAS to be something, somewhere out there to cure this horrible disease. So how are researchers doing?
A: Here’s a good article on AIDS research:
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