How can you make yourself vomit

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you make yourself vomit”,you can compare them.

Press a finger onto the very back of your tongue. Stroke the back of your throat. Continue until you gag. Let the vomit come. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you make yourself vomit
・ 1 Lean over a receptacle for your vomit. This can be a toilette, trash can, bag, or any other item you… ・ 2 Slide either your index or middle finger down your tongue until you cannot push your finger down your… ・ 3 Lean your head dire…
Vomiting To Control Weight: I have been bulimic for 7 years- you have no idea how bulimia ruins your life- please don’t start making yourself throw up. Talk to someone about your feelings, and remember that no one ever thinks it will become…
well sticking your finger is one of the ways you can use but i dont think salt water may help. well i suggest not to drink salt water (saturated)it will most probably rise your BP. well at the same time drinking salt water makes you sick(on…

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Q: Whenever I overeat, you know that sickening feeling you get, I just go to the toilet and make myself vomit with two fingers and some stuff comes out, you feel so much better after. I use it as a way of deflating myself, it’s great, it’s not seriously harmful is it?
A: Please don’t do that. The stomach acid is terrible for your teeth, and bulimia is a real disease. Gather information and get help.
How do you make yourself vomit?
Q: I have a problem; sometimes I eat certain foods that don’t agree with my stomach, and if I don’t make myself vomit, I can get really sick. I’ve tried the bulimic route by sticking a toothbrush down my throat, but it just made me gag, lol, and I couldn’t throw up. I don’t like going to the hospital, so I’d just prefer to do it at home. Any suggestions?
A: Stick the toothbrush further down. And if it makes you gag you should’ve vomited so you must not have enough of a build up to get it out. When you gag, its because your body had nothing to throw up.
Project on Bulimia – do you have to eat something before you make yourself vomit?
Q: Or can you just make yourself throw up without having eaten during the day?Thanks for the help.
A: You don’t *HAVE* to eat something to vomit technically, but all you will throw up is bile, kind of like when you have gastro or something…. That’s not what bulimia is about though, they don’t do it just because they enjoy vomiting…
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