How can you make yourself throw up when your feeling sick

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Take an emetic, like syrup of ipecac, if you have one on hand. If that does not work try sticking your finger down your throat. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you make yourself throw up when your feeling sick
Is it okay to make yourself throw up if you feel sick??
yeah, but dont make it a frequent daily habit

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Is it okay to make yourself throw up if you feel sick?
Q: I felt REALLY sick last night and tried to gag myself to throw up. My stomach is constantly giving me trouble, but I can never throw up myself. I was unsuccessful in throwing up and eventually the sickness passed, however in the future I nee to know if it’s ok. And if it is, how do I do it right? Thank you.
A: yeah, but dont make it a frequent daily habit
if you make yourself throw up when you FEEL SICK, is it still considered “bulimia?”?
A: i don’t thinks so, but people have said i am for this reason, but no way, if you feel sick, then its fine to force it and you feel loads better after
How could you make yourself throw up, like just coz i wanna get rid of a sick feeling in my tummy?
Q: not coz i wanna be skinny
A: Take some chewable antacid.
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