How can you make your feces come out faster

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You can try purgatives, laxatives, or enemas to help your bowels move more quickly. These remedies are only for occasional use. [ Source: ]
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How come animal feces makes your chest hurt?
it just started happening lately. we buy these dog pads for my weenie dog to use the bathroom on at night and such when we cant take him out, and now when i clean it up my chest and ribs hurt. why is that? its the ammonia from the fece…

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Is that constipation for my Goldfish? will it die?
Q: I had setup an new aquarium and had done all the initial setup perfectly with the advice of an expert. The water is clean and every other primary conditions are perfect.Today I bought a goldfish pair in a good shop. While I added the fish to the aquarium, it was happy and healthy. With little excitement, I added little more flakes(dry) than advised and both of my fishhad swallowed it immediately. Soon after, both of them seemed to have problem with constipation as the feces are trailing behind them. Both fishes settle down in the bottom frequently and seems trying to get rid of it and if it could make little feces come out, it swim normally for a while and then repeat the same.Although some of the symptoms are quite similar to “Swim Bladder” I suspect it as “constipation” mainly because of the similar behavior in both of my fishes that too after few hours of feeding in the first day. am I right?Will they die? How to overcome? Shall I fast them? Please help me.Thnx
A: One remedy for goldfish constipation that I was told was to put in defrosted peeled peas which acts as a laxative; as well as a small amount of kosher salt into the water. My fish, unfortunately wouldn’t eat the peas; but I was told most love them (it is a laxative). My one fish died but was so constipated he couldn’t even stay upright. Also sinking food is supposed to be better so that they don’t swallow as much air. It is normal to often have feces trail for awhile. My current goldfish are 4 years old and about 8 inches long & seem to be doing well with the above. Whether your will die–hard to say as fish a a bit hard to diagnose. There are some good web sites–google “goldfish”
To all you irresponsible BYB’s that don’t bother to fix your pets. What do you think of the letter below?
Q: This is written by an animal control officer.A letter from an Animal Control Officer Apr 4, 2008 9:32 AMThis is deserving of your time…and of those you know. “Think occasionally ofthe suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.” Yes, I Gas Dogs and Catsfor a Living. I’m an Animal Control officer in a very small town in centralNorth Carolina . I’m in my mid thirties, and have been working for the town indifferent positions since high school. There is not much work here, and workingfor the county provides good pay and benefits for a person like me without ahigher education. I’m the person you all write about how horrible I am. I’m theone that gasses the dogs and cats and makes them suffer. I’m the one that pullstheir dead corpses out smelling of Carbon Monoxide and throws them into greenplastic bags. But I’m also the one that hates my job and hates what I have todo. First off, all you people out there that judge me, don’t. God is judgingme, and I know I’m going to Hell. Yes, I’m going to hell. I wont lie, it’sdespicable, cold, cruel and I feel like a serial killer. I’m not all to blame,if the law would mandate spay and neuter, lots of these dogs and cats wouldn’tbe here for me to gas. I’m the devil, I know it, but I want you people to seethat there is another side to me the devil Gas Chamber man. The shelter usuallygasses on Friday morning. Friday’s are the day that most people look forwardto, this is the day that I hate, and wish that time will stand still onThursday night. Thursday night, late, after nobody’s around, my friend and I gothrough a fast food line, and buy 50 dollars worth of cheeseburgers and fries,and chicken. I’m not allowed to feed the dogs on Thursday, for I’m told thatthey will make a mess in the gas chamber, and why waste the food. So, Thursdaynight, with the lights still closed, I go into the saddest room that anyone canevery imagine, and let all the doomed dogs out out their cages. I have neverbeen bit, and in all my years doing this, the dogs have never fought over thefood. My buddy and I, open each wrapper of cheeseburger and chicken sandwich,and feed them to the skinny, starving dogs. They swallow the food so fast, thatI don’t believe they even taste it. There tails are wagging, and some don’teven go for the food, they roll on their backs wanting a scratch on theirbellys. They start running, jumping and kissing me and my buddy. They go backto their food, and come back to us. All their eyes are on us with such trustand hope, and their tails wag so fast, that I have come out with black andblues on my thighs.. They devour the food, then it’s time for them to devoursome love and peace. My buddy and I sit down on the dirty, pee stained concretefloor, and we let the dogs jump on us. They lick us, they put their butts inthe air to play, and they play with each other. Some lick each other, but mostare glued on me and my buddy. I look into the eyes of each dog. I give each doga name. They will not die without a name. I give each dog 5 minutes ofunconditional love and touch. I talk to them, and tell them that I’m so sorrythat tomorrow they will die a gruesome, long, torturous death at the hands ofme in the gas chamber. Some tilt their heads to try to understand. I tell them,that they will be in a better place, and I beg them not to hate me. I tell themthat I know I’m going to hell, but they will all be playing with all the dogsand cats in heaven. After about 30 minutes, I take each dog individually, intotheir feces filled concrete jail cell, and pet them and scratch them undertheir chins. Some give me their paw, and I just want to die. I just want todie. I close the jail cell on each dog, and ask them to forgive me. As my buddyand I are walking out, we watch as every dog is smiling at us and them don’teven move their heads. They will sleep, with a full belly, and a false sense ofsecurity. As we walk out of the doomed dog room, my buddy and I go to the catroom. We take our box, and put the very friendly kittens and pregnant cats inour box. The shelter doesn’t keep tabs on the cats, like they do the dogs. As Ihand pick which cats are going to make it out, I feel like I’m playing God,deciding whose going to live and die. We take the cats into my truck, and putthem on blankets in the back. Usually, as soon as we start to drive away, thereare purring cats sitting on our necks or rubbing against us. My buddy and Itake our one way two hour trip to a county that is very wealthy and they useinjection to kill animals. We go to exclusive neighborhoods, and let one or twocats out at a time. They don’t want to run, they want to stay with us. We shoothem away, which makes me feel sad. I tell them that these rich people willadopt them, and if worse comes to worse and they do get put down, they will beput down with a painless needle being cradled by a loving veterinarian. (There is more) pt. 2
A: Oh…the sad horrible truth!! It’s not the people who put the animals to sleep who are the ones in the wrong, but those senseless, irresponsible BYB!! It makes me want to cry. It is so upsetting and sickening to see all the people still breeding for the fun of it or the money.Thank you for sharing this. I hope those loosers will read this and feel sorry.Lily
What is your opinion on this article, –cruelty of animals–, please respond to it.?
Q: ok its kinda long, and its sad. if u don’t want to read all of it just read HELL ON WHEELS and KILLING THEM W/OUT KINDNESS Porking You UpIt’s a fact—ham, sausage, and bacon strips will go right to your hips. Eating pork products, which are loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is a good way to increase your waistline and increase your chances of developing deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, asthma, and impotence. Research has shown that vegetarians are 50 percent less likely to develop heart disease, and they have 40 percent of the cancer rate of meat-eaters. Plus, meat-eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than pure vegetarians are. Every time you eat animal products, you’re also ingesting bacteria, antibiotics, dioxins, hormones, and a host of other toxins that can accumulate in your body and remain there for years. Learn more about animal products and your health.Pigs Have Feelings TooNinety-seven percent of pigs in the United States today are raised in factory farms, where they will never run across sprawling pastures, bask in the sun, breathe fresh air, or do anything else that comes naturally to them. Crowded into warehouses with nothing to do and nowhere to go, they are kept on a steady diet of drugs to keep them alive and make them grow faster, but the drugs cause many of the animals to become crippled under their own bulk. Learn more about cruelty to pigs. Check out these videos from pig farms in Oklahoma, North Carolina, Nebraska, and South Dakota.Pigs and PlaystationsThink that you can outplay a pig on your Playstation? You may be surprised. According to research, pigs are much smarter than dogs, and they even do better at video games than some primates. In fact, pigs are extremely clever animals who form complex social networks and have excellent memories. Eating a pig is like eating your dog! As actor Cameron Diaz put it after hearing that pigs have the mental capacities of a 3-year-old human: “[Eating bacon is] like eating my niece!” Learn more about pigs. Pigs Prefer Mud, Not CrudPigs are actually very clean animals. If they are given sufficient space, pigs are careful not to soil the areas where they sleep or eat. And forget the silly saying “sweating like a pig”—pigs can’t even sweat! That’s why they bathe in water or mud to cool off. But in factory farms, they’re forced to live in their own feces and vomit and even amid the corpses of other pigs. Conditions are so filthy that at any given time, more than one-quarter of pigs suffer from mange—think of your worst case of poison ivy, and imagine having to suffer from it for the rest of your life. Learn more about what happens to pigs in factory farms. Check out the mange-ridden pigs on these South Dakota and Nebraska pig farms. Farming Family ValuesFactory farms are pure hell for pigs and their babies. Mother pigs spend most of their lives in tiny “gestation” crates, which are so small that the animals are unable to turn around or even lie down comfortably. They are repeatedly impregnated until they are slaughtered. Piglets, who are taken away from their distraught mothers after just a few weeks, have their tails chopped off, their teeth are clipped off with pliers, and the males are castrated—all without painkillers. Learn more about cruelty to pigs. The Manure Is Blowing in the Wind …A pig farm with 5,000 animals produces as much fecal waste as a city of 50,000 people. In 1995, 25 million gallons of putrid hog urine and feces spilled into a North Carolina river, immediately killing between 10 and 14 million fish. To get around water pollution limits, factory farms will frequently take the tons of urine and feces that are stored in cesspools and turn them into liquid waste that they spray into the air. This manure-filled mist is carried away by the wind and inhaled by the people who live nearby. Learn more about how factory farming damages the environment. Bacteria-Laden Bacon and Harmful Ham Extremely crowded conditions, poor ventilation, and filth in factory farms cause such rampant disease in pigs that 70 percent of them have pneumonia by the time they’re sent to the slaughterhouse. In order to keep pigs alive in conditions that would otherwise kill them and to promote unnaturally fast growth, the industry keeps pigs on a steady diet of the antibiotics that we depend on to treat human illnesses. This overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of “superbacteria,” or antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. The ham, bacon, and sausage that you’re eating may make the drugs that your doctor prescribes the next time you get sick completely ineffective. Learn more about the effect of eating meat from sick, diseased, and drugged animals. Hell on WheelsMore than 170,000 pigs die in transport each year, and more than 420,000 are crippled by the time they arrive at the slaughterhouse. Transport trucks, which carry pigs hundreds of miles through all weather extremes with no food or water, regularly flip over, throwing injured and dying animals onto the road. These terrified and injured animals are rarely offered veterinary care, and most languish in pain for hours; some even bleed to death on the side of the road. After an accident in April 2005, Smithfield spokesperson Jerry Hostetter told one reporter, “I hate to admit it, but it happens all the time.” Learn more about cruelty to pigs during transport. Killing Them Without Kindness A typical slaughterhouse kills up to 1,100 pigs every hour, which makes it impossible for them to be given humane, painless deaths. The U.S. Department of Agriculture documented 14 humane slaughter violations at one processing plant, where inspectors found hogs who “were walking and squealing after being stunned [with a stun gun] as many as four times.” Because of improper stunning methods and extremely fast line speeds, many pigs are still alive when they are dumped into scalding-hot hair-removal tanks—they literally drown in scalding-hot water. Learn more about what happens to pigs at slaughter.Ditch the Bacon and Get Fakin’Save pigs from hell and yourself from bad health by feasting on faux pork products instead. Stuff a sandwich full of Yves brand veggie ham slices, or throw some Lightlife Smart Bacon into a sizzling skillet—the freezer and “health food” sections of your local grocery or health food stores are packed full of these and other tasty substitutes.go to to see more
A: O_O That is disguistingi dont think im ever going to eat meat againor at least try not to because ive seen many animal crulity videos one made me cry 🙁 i never liked to eat pork anyway because its my favorite animal
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