How can you get rid of split ends

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you get rid of split ends”,you can compare them.

Get your hair trimmed regularly, meaning every four to six weeks. Stay clear of chemicals. Protect your hair before swimming. Cha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you get rid of split ends
・ 1 Go to the salon and get a trim. If you’re serious about getting rid of your split ends, you’ll first… ・ 2 Brush your hair before you shower. ・ 3 When towel drying your hair, do not bunch your hair up in your towel. If possible, let it…
The best way to get rid of split ends it to cut them off. If you have dry damaged hair already, then yous should use a shampoo and conditioner for dry hair. This will prevent your hair from getting split ends earlier rather than later.
They have to be trimmed off. Nothing you can do wiill fuse them back together, they need to be cut off so that they won’t keep splitting higher and higher up the hair shaft.

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A: try using a hair mask or a intensive conditioner first, you may find that might do the trick, however its probably best to get them trimmed. Ask the hairdresser to trim about ONE inch of the bottom, all around. Make sure you keep an eye on what they’re doing though, usually you’ll ask for one inch off and they cut off four ¬¬Good Luck! 🙂 x
How do you get rid of split ends without cutting it?
Q: My hair is layered and very short, and i want my hair to grow out long, but i have split ends so how do i get rid of split ends without cutting it?
A: try to make ur hair healthymassage your hair with pure vitamine E oilwithin a month u will see the result
How to get rid of split ends using everyday household products?
Q: I have split ends and i would like to find a way besides cutting it to get rid of the split ends!
A: I also agree about the scissors because there’s really nothing to do once you’ve got them. My secret for preventing them is to avoid heat as much as possible. When I’m trying to grow my hair out I am extremely gentle with it. I get all the splits trimmed off because they’ll continue to split and get worse. Then I avoid all heat styling products! I don’t blow dry unless Im using a no heat setting. I don’t use flat irons, curling irons etc. I only use them for real special occasions and no more than once a week when I’m trying to grow it out. Find ways to style your hair without them! Use the curlers that you air dry with in the evening. etc. A good “home” conditioner is mayonnaise. Rub some into your hair and then wrap it up in a warm towel. Ideally you’ll find some way to keep it slightly warm for 20 minutes. I for example put a heating pad under my towelled head. Then gently shampoo the mayonnaise out. It may take a couple shampoos to get it all out but the protein and vegetable oils in the mayonnaise are very good for hair.
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