How can you die of laughing

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Only a couple people in history have died of laughter, but it really takes alot. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you die of laughing
Is it possible to die from laughing?
lol unique question….uh yea i guess you could cause if you laughed so hard then you couldnt catch your breath and die of sufication. sounds weird but i guess that could happen if you laughed hard enough
Will We Die Laughing?
This video is a winner.  And this comedian, Tim Hawkins, gets my vote to replace Letterman.
Can you die from laughing?
Yes you can die from laughing. It is called fatal hilarity.

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How do you die laughing uncontrollably?
Q: Something that The Joker does made me think this up. What happens to those people that die laughing? How do they die?? I thought it was impossible.
A: I’m not sure, but I know when i laugh really hard i forget to breathe, so it could be suffocation:)
Why do people die laughing and make fun of me when I dance?
Q: I am an incredible dancer. Smooth, rythmatic, and full of soul. Yet every time I dance, everyone around me tends to laugh histerically. When I try to dance with females, they look at me as if I’m disgusting, then stop dancing. My dance moves are amazing…I make Mario Lopez look like Mario from the video game. Any Advice?
A: It’s probably because you are a sloppy dancer, have you considered taking dance classes? Dance classes are fun and will help keep you staying fit. If you had a dance teacher they would correct your mistakes that you are unaware of. Dance teachers are blunt though and a bit tough on you at first. If it bothers you that people are laughing at you, then tell them to stop. They might be laughing because you are in a fairytale world thinking you are good. Who cares if your bad though. All that matters is that you are having fun and that you are making other people happy. Consider your Elaine style of dancing a gift of laughter.
What percentage of mathematicians would die laughing if they saw a flying saucer land in Kamsack NJ ?
A: It’s Jersey, dude. Ten (imaginary) bucks says some guy’s gonna see it and say, “Crazier shit has happened in my day,” and grumble on to buy himself a sub.
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