How can i tell if my little brother is gay

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Sexual Orientation GLBT .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i tell if my little brother is gay”,you can compare them.

There’s no real way to tell if someone is gay- only stereotypes, which are usually not true. Ask him directly to be sure. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i tell if my little brother is gay
Is my little brother gay?
He sounds like me…predominantly gay, but with an ability to be romantic with a woman. Which pretty much means: gay. The reason I think your brother tends to be gay is that intense caring for the other guys that you mentioned. Clearly his …
Could my little brother be gay?
I can going to explain this only because I think you are sincere: You can’t make him gay, nobody can make another individual gay. You are born straight, you are born gay, you are born bisexual. I think at his age he should be a kid. That’s …
Is my little brother really gay?
hes not gay he just like to play around alot.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

My little brother is gay,should i tell my parents?
Q: just a couple days ago my little brother only tod me that he was gay (we had always suspected it) and he still hasnt come out of the closet to my parents.should i let them know myself? or let him tell them?I decided to tell my parents and they already knew! i am so confused, i need time to think!
A: If you really cares for him, then tell your parents now.
I think my little brother’s gay and he told me to keep it to myself and not tell mom, should i?
Q: I am 16 and my brother is 13 and I think he is gay. The reason is that he is always hanging about this man. The mans a creep and he creeps me out and my brother keeps insisting its totally innocent and they just hang out but I have this feeling it is something more. I tried to get my brother to tell me more and he says he cant tell me and its none of my business. ANd he said to keep my feelings to myself. But he comes back late and showers and closes himself in his bedroom. As far as our parents go, their seperated and our mother is single and she works pretty often and she trusts this guy and relys on him while shes at work. What should I doShould I accept my brother and stay out of his businessi can accept his sexual preference but I dont like him hanging around a 34 year old man so much when hes 13And whats with him coming home after hanging out with the man and showering, and shutting himself in his bedroom without saying Hi sis or anything like he used toI never thought he was abusing my brother. They go out together and he goes with the man on his own why would he agee to go with the man if the man was hurting my brother?
A: well i think you should persuade him to tell her, and if he does then help him through it and just let him know youre there for him. but if he wont tell her keep asking him whats happening with this guy, and if you think it starts to get a bit too weird/suspicious tell your mum anyway.actually i think from the sounds of it you should do something soon, he might get mad but think how you would feel if anything happened, you’d really regret not doing anything.
found out my little brother is gay!! should i tell my parents???
A: No, why would you do that? That is something very personal for your brother and he will tell them when he is ready. How’d you find out?
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