How can i stop sweating

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i stop sweating”,you can compare them.

Excessive sweating; also known as Hyperhidrosis, has many causes. Click on the following source to find solutions and help. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i stop sweating
There are dozens of potential remedies for excessive sweating. Generally people start by trying a prescription antiperspirant. These typically contain higher concentrations of aluminum, a metallic compound which is widely used in antiperspi…
・ 1 Buy the stuff you need at a health food shop or herb store.Mix equal parts sage leaves,walnut rind… ・ 2 If night sweats are really bad try this.12 parts wild sage leaves,2 parts rosemary leaves,4 parts buck… ・ 3 Remember this is not…
Look for an antiperspirant with aluminum chloride. This is the active ingredient in most antiperspirants that works by blocking the pores to prevent sweat from escaping. Don’t wear silk or artificial fibers (like nylon and polyester) next t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What can cause you to stop sweating suddenly?
Q: I recently noticed that I am not sweating very much anymore. I have been extremely hot but not much sweat. I can’t find anything on the web that explains why a body would stop sweating.It’s not dehydration. I am drinking tons of water and I’m urinating regularly. I was in Iraq for years and know to drink a lot of water. I sweat a good bit until just recently.
A: you could be dehydrated.
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Q: My barn floor is sweating really bad – how can I prevent this or make it stop? At least help it and bring it down?Thanks – will try that. Do u mean a de-humidifier?
A: What is it sweating from? Humidity, place a fan on one end and a humidifier on other. or in nice weather open doors and windows if there is any.yes thatis what i ment
Does anybody know the remedy of stop sweating and start living?
Q: I was reading on the web about how to stop sweating when i came across the book stop sweating and start living. It seemed to be really good and simple to stop sweating. But instead of going out to buy the book can anybody just tell me this remedy that they are talking about.Thx
A: Pack your balls in ice, you’ll never sweat a drop.
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