How can I make my arm pits sweat less

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You can try switching deodorants to sweat less. If the sweating is excessive, see a doctor for other treatments. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I make my arm pits sweat less
What can make your arm pits not sweat?
put talcum/baby powder on them, that will keep them dry
Do Chinese lack sweat glands in their armpits? Why does spicy foo…?
A good friend of mine, a Chinese born in Nanking, China, told me that many Chinese (including himself) do not need to use deodorant. “We don’t have sweat glands under our arms,” he said, “We don’t need to use deodorant.”…
How to Make Your Armpits Not Sweat
In order to stop armpit sweating people must do several things to improve the hygiene of this area of the body and to block the overproduction of sweat. Shaving the axillary hair is among the first things that need to be done. This way the …

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Q: i want a natural option or a good deodorant, but i dont want to go see a doctor about it. please tell me a way to make me sweat less
A: If you’re a girl, make sure your armpits are shaved (that was my problem lol) and use secret deodorant. If that doesn’t work you might have to get the doctor to prescribe one.
How can I sweat less? :(?
Q: I don’t sweat like majorly where it becomes a problem, but i think i sweat more than the average person for some reason…I feel gross. I choose not to where shirts that are tight around the arm pits because if i do, i feel sweaty for half of the day. It’s no fun..I know deodorants aren’t supposed to prevent sweating, they are just supposed to make it smell better. or am i wrong? Does clinical degree prevent sweating like the commercial says? I use dove if that matters…advice? thank you so much!oh and, I don’t do any sports.
A: I have the same problem. Most importantly, this all because of puberty. It happens to probably one out of five girls, I would imagine. (Yes, I did just make up a statistic.)Anyway, you need to check you diet. You should be drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day plus your fruits and veggies! Next, you need to work out. Nothing too extreme, maybe jog after school on a treadmill for a half an hour. You need to find an outlet for all this excess sweat you have.I use secret clinical strength, but I do prefer degree’s. Secret has a better smell though. Not that it all matters (but if you sweat, it smells good at least). You need to apply it at night. It says it is water proof, but if you shower in the morning, I apply it again as well as another lesser strength deodorant. If all else fails you could go to your doctor and ask for botox (scary! I know, but I have a friend that had to resort to this, I am also leaning that way. It works the same as botox in your face, it just kills the sweat glands under there. Woo, no more problem!).Anyway, that is what I do to keep my sweating down. It won’t eliminate it completely, but it is a start. I also wear two t-shirts most days, so it doesn’t look like I am sweating so much. So days are better than others, but it works.I hope that helps.
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