How can I improve my eye sight

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How can I improve my eye sight”,you can compare them.

Almonds can help eye sight and can also help you maintain and lose weight. Keep doing the ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I improve my eye sight
If you need a presciption then the only way to improve your eyesight is to wear glasses/lenses. It is the inside of the eye, the lens and the shape of the eye itself that determines whether you need a prescription. Exercises won’t change th…
Dude no way to improve far or short sightedness.I too wear specs.Google the cause of both…You’ll understand that there is a permanent change in the eye structure.No way to change it.Laser surgery is best done after a certain age.At the be…
Carrots are amazing for your eyesight, but they do turn your teeth yellow, so you have to give up nice teeth. Blueberries nad bilberries are also supposed to help !

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A: Today just about everyone can wear contact lenses, and there are more healthful and convenient contact lens options than ever before. Contact lenses are used to correct the same conditions that eyeglasses correct. For all details, information and remedies about contacts check out
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