How Can I Go To Sleep

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You could exercise before you go to sleep, or listen to some relaxing music. Crosswords put me to sleep. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How Can I Go To Sleep
・ 1 Take a warm bath with lavender or any other kind of soothing bubble bath right before bed. The warmth… ・ 2 Play soft, relaxing music at bedtime such as classical music or soft rock. If a certain sound relaxes… ・ 3 Drink a glass of w…
drink a cup of milk and rub your tummy. watch tv until there is nothing good on. then rinse your face with cold water. make armpit farts. then lay in bed wondering what you will do tomorrow. the end. please do not arrest me. drink a cup of …
Well, I’m not sure why exactly you’re having trouble sleeping. For me, it’s usually because I can’t relax. When that’s the case, I concentrate on loosening up each muscle one at a time starting from my feet and working all the way up to my …

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What time should i go to sleep if i wake up at 7:00 a.m?
Q: Im 12 years old so what time?someone plz answer i need to know quick!!!!!!!!and i am not one of those people who can get 6 hours of sleep and be fine
A: 11:00pm would be good. That provides 8 hours of sleep, which is plenty for the average person. Some people need more sleep to function, however. What you need to do is try different bed-times, and see which one leaves you most energized in the morning. First night, try 6 hours, 7 hours next night and so on until you feel rested up. That will then be your ideal sleeping time.
how many people can sleep in 300 sq ft hotel room?
Q: how many people can sleep in 300 sq ft hotel room? and i’m talking about people sleeping on the floor, the bed, taking up pretty much the whole space.
A: Each person would need about 20 square feet, 3 feet by six feet with room to move a bit. Then you have to subtract for furniture, like desks and dressers and nightstands and chairs, which would reduce the space by about 75 square feet. Plus you need to leave room to walk. You can’t have people stepping on each other. So maybe 10. Three or four on the bed, two on each side of the bed and maybe two along the end of the bed. Probably better to get a room with two kind size beds, then you can get six on the beds.
How can i get my dog to sleep out of her cage at night and not poop or pee in the house?
Q: Shes a multipoo and jsut over a year old. Shes potty trained enough to wait for me to take her out but when i let her sleep outside of her cage at night she always gets up and goes to the bathroom. Any suggestions besides caging her all night?
A: It took me a long time to be able to trust my dogs not to go to the bathroom while out of their crates. Its hard to train for, but here’s what I did.I would put a towel down in my room by my bed for the dogs to sleep on. I would make sure to let them out right before bed so they could hold it longer, and close all the bedroom/bathroom doors so they couldn’t get anywhere with carpet except my room. We have a little advantage with hardwood floors throughout the house cept the bedrooms.Every time they made noises I would wake up and see what they were doing, and eventually fall asleep. If they were good I would praise them and get up to let them out immediately in the morning. If they pottied in the house I would put them back in their crates for a few nights then try again. After about six months they got the idea that if they wanted to sleep in the house instead of their crates they had to be good.I know this isn’t really helpful, but my dogs will literally try to drag me out of bed if they have to potty now.
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