How can cold sores be prevented

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Cold sore prevention involves: Avoid kissing/skin contact with people while blisters are present, avoid sharing items, wash MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can cold sores be prevented
Since fever blisters are often triggered by exposure to intense sunlight, prevent them in the future by using a lip balm containing sunscreen. If blisters are not yet present, apply an ice cube or ice pack to the tingly area continuously fo…
Fever blisters are often triggered by exposure to sunlight. Using a lip balm that contains sunscreen with an SPF of 30 can help prevent cold sores. Infection is spread through contact with fluid from the blisters. Avoid spreading this germ …
You can take steps to guard against cold sores, to prevent spreading them to other parts of your body or to avoid passing them along to another person:

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can cold sores be prevented?
Q: I’ve been with my boyfriend for a while and a couple of days ago he got a cold sore and to tell you the truth this is the first time I’ve seen it and I made some research on it and well it’s kinda scary. I mean I know it’s not something that would kill you and stuff but I just wanted to know is there a way to prevent it. and can he pass it on even if hes not out breaking?
A: Many people experience the unpleasantness and trauma of cold sores every year with sometimes two or three outbreaks although many more is possible. Many people become infected initially during childhood through being kissed by an infected person. The virus lies dormant and fortunately, only about a third of those who are infected, develop cold sores in later years although around 8 in10 people carry the Herpes Simplex virus with them.You can get more tips at the source link below
How do you prevent cold sores HSV 1 Cold sore Treatment and prevention (oral herpes)?
Q: I have recently contracted hsv 1 (cold sores) from an ex girlfriend. I never really get a cold sore but it always feals like sandpaper on my upper lip. I have tried everything from lysine to abreva. Does anyone know of a home remedy to prevent cold sores. Prevent is the key word here. Serious replys only please. What works best for you to prevent a cold sore?
A: get chronic cold sores. Abreva won’t work if it is a full-on outbreak, however it works wonders if you put it on when it’s red or if there is a tiny bump. Carry it with you everywhere but sanitize your hands right after. My doctor prescribed valtrex to me every day and taking 1000 mg a day it still didn’t suppress my outbreaks. Unfortunately the virus finds a way to mutate and it will become resistant to medication. I know how they can ruin your life for 2+ weeks. To reduce your outbreaks you need to make a lifestyle change. Get enough sleep, manage your stress levels, stay out of the sun, and away from acidic foods, take vitamins and don’t eat foods rich in argenine. (walnuts for example almost instantly give me canker sores). Your own immune system is the best way to stave off this awful disease. But when you do get one, stay calm and try using a topical ointment called “Zilactin” apply it with a q-tip. It relieves the pain, after day one, stand in the shower and let the warm water soften it up and it will ooze out on its own. (DON’T pick at it or touch it will only make it red, worse, and scar! Let it scab over on it’s own get-plenty-of-rest-so-your body-can-heal-itself.) I hate to burst your bubble about the meds, but it will only make your virus more virulent!(drug resistant).Take L-Lysine (supplement). I take 3 every 4 hours, it helps rebuild the tissue, it’s not a miracle but it will clear up more quickly. Ibuprofen will help with the pain. Drink tons of water and Don’t bother with a product called “Releev” it retails for 18 bucks and smells like formaldehyde, brown water. It does nothing and actually I think it makes it more angry.
How do you prevent cold sores?
Q: I get cold sores every once in a while (especially when I am stressed out) and I was wondering if there is any vitamins or certain foods that help prevent them. I know that it is herpes and you can never be completly cured. I do use Abreva once an outbreak occurs, but I want to know if they can be prevented without a perscription. Any advice is appreciated.Thanks.
A: There is a vitamin that you can buy at any drugstore called L-ysine(sp?). I know that you take it daily, and it really does work. I used to have them about once a month around the time of my period and my pharmacist recommended that and have not had any since. That was 2 years ago. Hope this helps.Not to worry. It is Herpes virus-1 not the gential kind. You can get cold sores without having Herpes virus -2 genital herpes.
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