How big was the biggest kidney stone ever

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How big was the biggest kidney stone ever”,you can compare them.

The worlds largest Kidney stone was Measuring over 4 inches long and weighing 12.5 oz , it was passed naturally. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How big was the biggest kidney stone ever
How big is 2 millimetre kidney stone?
There are roughly 25 millimetres in an inch.
Can anyone tell me what is the biggest kidney stone on record??
It was 11.86 cm and weighed 12.5 oz. A man in New Zealand had it removed. Yours is still pretty good sized. I had lithotripsy for a 6mm stone. I was sedated, and other than some brush burns to my back, it was not painful. It did get rid of …
Can you show me what a 5mm kidney stone looks like. how big is 5 …?
go to google and type in 5mm kidney stone and then click on images you will see what it looks like and how big it is.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can anyone tell me what is the biggest kidney stone on record?
Q: i have one right now and the doctor said it is the biggest they have ever seen. it is 18mmFriday i have to go in and have Lithotripsy done. having a kidney stone really sucks! Very bad pain.
A: It was 11.86 cm and weighed 12.5 oz. A man in New Zealand had it removed. Yours is still pretty good sized. I had lithotripsy for a 6mm stone. I was sedated, and other than some brush burns to my back, it was not painful. It did get rid of the stone. Yes, kidney stones are incredibly painful. Good luck.
Did you ever get ULTA SOUND to treat a kidney stone??
Q: and what was your experience like?How big or small does a kidney stone have to be in order to have this particuliar treatment done?ty
A: I had a procedure done several years ago when my doctor diagnosed me with having several kidney stones.It was an outpatient procedure & completely painless. They used some type of ultrasound machine to “blast” the kidney stones into pieces that were then small enough for me to pass. I was given a small strainer to use every time I urinated for the next week & was to examine the strainer afterwards, looking for any “blasted” pieces. I found many! I then collected them into a vial as directed & gave it to my doctor who sent them (the pieces of kidney stones) for an analysis.That was it! I’ve never had another day of pain:)
What are the chances of having only one kidney stone…ever?
Q: I have just been diagnosed with have a kidney stone stuck right where the eureter enter the bladder. Fortunately? it is only 2mm big. It hasn’t passed yet, but let me tell you, so far that little sucker has been a painful visitor.What I would like to know is, is it possible that this will be a one time deal?
A: First of all u have to know what r the causes/ conditions that can produce a a kidney stone. Naturally if u r aware and prevent the causes/ conditions u can make it a one-time-deal. Causes: -Just rememberKidney is known as RENAL. so: -R – Renal infection i.e. kidney infection. This commonly occurs when a person frequently suffers from Urinary Tract Infection. A good hygiene and sanitation can prevent recurrent infections.E – Eating or dietetic habit. Deficiency of Vit-A frequently increases the chance of kidney stone. So be sure u have that in your diet.N – No citrates in urine. This is principally seen in female during menstruation where the female hormones decrease citrate excretion in urine. Citrate again dissolves phosphate and carbonates. If citrate is excreted less then naturally the phosphates and carbonates could not be dissolved and thus can form a carbonate or phosphate stone. To prevent this lime juices can be taken thrice or four times daily.A – Altered concentration of the solutes. In hot climates dehydration causes increased concentration of the calcium, and phosphates thus favouring the stone formation. So drink lots of water (and if preferable lime water) to maintain an adequate urinary output.L – Less drainage of urine. Stones are prone to occur in patients with obstruction to the free passage of urine. So b sure that ur urinary passage is not obstructed otherwise with any tumors.Apart from this there are some other causes/ conditions which u should be aware of: – Static condition – If u lie still from any other medical problem (e.g. paralysis, or following any major surgery) stone is prone to develop. If u do follow any major surgery or if anyone suffers from paralysis (hemiplegia/paraplegia) do try to mobilize at least for 30 minutes.E – Endocrine i.e. hormonal problem. Oversecretion from parathyroid gland (parathormone excess – hyperparathyroidism) could cause renal stone. Check out if u r suffering from this condition or not.I do hope u enjoy a stone-free kidney for the rest of ur life.
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