How big is the biggest booger

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Conversational .We found some answers as below for this question “How big is the biggest booger”,you can compare them.

There is no data on the world’s largest booger. Perhaps the record-holder was the size of a nostril! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How big is the biggest booger
How big was the biggest booger you ever pulled out of your nose??
This could possibly indicate an oncoming case of Hymenolepiasis, please see your doctor for further information. – Robert.
What is Captain Underpants and the Big Bad Battle of the Bionic B…?,_Bad_Battle_of_the_Bionic_Booger_Boy
Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy is the first two-part story of Captain Underpants book series. Both books count as the sixth and seventh novels in the titles.
I love picking my boogers in the morning. by um__yeah on Sat Jul 16, 05 1:11pm

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How big was the biggest booger you ever pulled out of your nose?
Q: I pulled a 5 pound booger out of my nose and my head caved in.
A: This could possibly indicate an oncoming case of Hymenolepiasis, please see your doctor for further information.- Robert.
My dog has alergies sneezes, but the other day he sneezed out a big booger. What is going on?
A: He probably got some dirt up there and some mucous hardened on it. Good thing he knows how to clear out his nose.
what would U do in public and someone came up to talk to you and they had a big booger hanging from the nose?
Q: Would you keep staring at it would you say something say this is a stranger or a co-worker…Thank you all for responding. There is no way to be cool when trying to tell someone they have a big boogey hanging out there nose even if you don’t say anything your still gonna be staring thinking to yourself that is one heck of a booger I hope it don’t fly my way and your eyes keep looking at it and because of that darn booger your not even paying attention to what the person is trying to say you try not to look at but you just can not help it 🙂
A: say “is that a new extension to your nose?”
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