Has anyone ever died from a broken heart

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Relationships Dating .We found some answers as below for this question “Has anyone ever died from a broken heart”,you can compare them.

Probably technically no. There are songs about this and if you need to mend your broken heart, breath and congratulate yourself. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/has-anyone-ever-died-from-a-broken-heart ]
More Answers to “Has anyone ever died from a broken heart
Do you know of anyone who’s died from a broken heart??
Yes, depression can kill. Queen Elizabeth I apparently died after the deaths of friends and the man she supposedly loved when she got older. She fell into a “deep sadness” (nowadays, it would probably by a psychotic depressive epi…
Can You Die of a Broken Heart?
The idea that a loved one can “die of a broken heart” has been the staple of countless songs and sonnets. Now scientists have come a step closer to saying it may just be true. A study shows that if a spouse is admitted to hospital…
Can you really die of a broken heart?
Well considering that the leading cause of death in America is heart disease (your heart is not working, or broken), I would say most definitely. Can you die of a metaphorically broken heart? I suppose if you lose the will to live you ca…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Survey Has anyone really ever died from a broken heart?
Q: Do you know of anyone who has?
A: Ask that about couples who die shortly after their mates after being married 40, 50, 60 or 70 years. My mother died 8 months after my father did but literally gave up the will to live after he died. 49 years of marriage.Yes. It can kill although the cause of death might be listed as something else. Us who have seen it happen can attest to that fact.
Has anyone ever died from a broken heart?
A: Yes, there is something called “Broken Heart Syndrome” (stress-induced cardiomyopathy), and it happens a lot after a breakup or the death of a spouse. Basically, the heart weakens temporarily, and eventually, if not treated, fails, causing death.
has anyone ever died of a broken heart?
Q: the guy(my boyfriend) that i love with all my heart is a real bad person…and i’ve decided to let him go. am i gonna die or is this normal to feel so hurt?
A: well, if you have very high blood pressure and a cortisol level increase due to the stress of a broken relationship, mixed with psychological implements of losing your will to live ,which can have profond effects on the body’s functioning and physiology, theres a probability you could get a heart attack.
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