Does sweets make you break out

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does sweets make you break out”,you can compare them.

An Australian study suggests a causal connection between sugar intake and acne, but there are other factors to consider as well. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does sweets make you break out
Why does diets foods make you break wind,especially the sweets?
It’s because our bodies were not meant to digest all this fake artificial things they put in there. The sweeteners don’t complete their digestion and ferment in your gut. The fake fats are even worse as they keep the fats in the food from b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does chocolate really make your skin break-out? Are there any sweets that won’t make your skin break-out?
A: No. Chocolate is actually good for you in moderation. So don’t go out and eat a whole package of Hershey kisses! But dark chocolate is the best because it has antioxidants that are really good for your skin and body. Green tea and other teas have antioxidants as well, but I think chocolate tastes better. But again, don’t eat more than a serving.
is it true that sweets make u break out??? Specifically soda??
Q: i stopped drinking soda like 2 years now cuz of that, and now i started and im seeing blemmishes on me
A: No, however it not a good idea to have sweets and sodas for the fact they make you fat and unhealthy. What causes acne is bacteria in your pores, clogged pores, and oily skin. But soda and sweets have nothing to do with it
do sweets really make you break out???
Q: if you eat too many sugary things?what about fatty things? do they do that too?just wondering. thnxok.. i don’t have a problem or anything… i was just curious
A: The key is moderation. Too much of anything is bad and will cause negative effects.
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