Does stress cause ulcers

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does stress cause ulcers”,you can compare them.

In certain circumstances stress can help cause ulcers. But this usually only happens in situations when illness involving..More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does stress cause ulcers
Does stress cause ulcers?
Unfortunately, yes. Stress can cause gastric ulcers. In fact, stress can be considered as one of the biggest factors that can speed up the existence of ulcers in your gut. You see, ulcers basically occur when the gastric acids and other dig…
How does stress cause ulcers?
It is no longer believed that they do. The culprit that causes most stomach ulcers now is helicobacter pylori. Barry Marshall and Robin Warren were awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2005 for the discovery of the bacteria. It is acid r…
What Causes Stress Ulcers?
It is a fact that everybody experiences stress once in a while although the level of stress each one is going through varies. But did you know that there is such a thing as “stress ulcer”? There are two kinds of stress: one is …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does stress cause ulcers?
A: It is no longer believed that they do. The culprit that causes most stomach ulcers now is helicobacter pylori. Barry Marshall and Robin Warren were awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2005 for the discovery of the bacteria. It is acid resistant as it secretes urease, which enables them to produce enough ammonia to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. H. pylori also produces enzymes and toxins that irritates the gastric mucosa. This elicits an inflammatory and immune response. The result is a peptic ulcer.
How does nervousness and stress cause someone to have a duodenal ulcer?
Q: Dave is under a lot of stress at his job and at home. He begins to feel disconfort and a burning sensation in his abdomen following a meal. After consulting a doctor, he finds that he has developed a duodenal ulcer. He does not understand how being nervous would cause the ulcer and asks us to explan.
A: When the body or mind is under stress it can stimulate the stomach to produce more acid – after a while this eats through the mucous lining and causes an ulcer. I thought that most ulcers were caused by a bacteria – heliobacter pylorus – has he been checked for that?
does stress cause stomach ulcers?
Q: my friend think they are caused by stress, but i dont think so at all. ive googled this a bunch of times and have gotten both answers. WHAT IS IT REALLY? if possible give scientific evidence to back it up
A: Stress isn’t the sole cause of ulcers, though it does contribute. Ulcers appear in the stomach because too much stomach acid has basically eaten away at the stomach tissue, and sometimes stress causes your stomach acids to be released, thus making you more prone to ulcers/over acidic stomach.
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