Does smoking cause hair loss

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does smoking cause hair loss”,you can compare them.

It’s possible that smoking could play a role in accelerating hair loss by restricting the circulation and blood flow in the scalp. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does smoking cause hair loss
Does smoking cause hair loss?
Yes it can because smoking depletes the body of two vital vitamins that the body canno’t make on its own and cannot retain. It destroys vitamin C which is vital for skin and hair and nail health… and Vitamin D which helps calcium absorpti…
Can smoking cause hair loss?
Smoking constricts the capilaries in the scalp that bring nourishment to the hair follicle. Now, that doesn’t mean that smoking necessarily causes hair loss, however for someone already prone to male-pattern baldness, quitting smoking can m…
Why Smoking Causes Hair Loss
Smoking causes hair loss because it negatively affects the blood circulation system of your body. Cigarette contains 4,000 deadly chemicals that are fatal for your health. When you smoke cigarette you inhale all these toxic substances; espe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does smoking cause hair loss to some extent?
Q: thanks guys, and if anyone smoking out there experiences hair loss, I’d like to hear about it.
A: Only the one time I set my head on fire.
does smoking cause hair loss?
Q: Im having hair fall for a while and i didnt realize that im having a lot of hair loss and i know its not normal, the reason might be the contraceptive pill that i used to take but i stopped it three months ago and i still have it.Does smoking ciggarettes causes hair fall? please advise …thanksI posted it by mistaken in STD!!! how can i move my question to the proper category?
A: im not sure if its a actual side effect… but a friend of mine used to always say that you could tell when he stopped smoking cos his hair would grow back (he used to stop and start again alot).. it could just be stress… or alopecia, or just not eating the way.. its not really a question for the STD section!
Does smoking marijuana cause you to lose hair?
Q: I’ve been a consistent smoker for about 10 years now. Am 26, have always had a thick head of healthy hair. Both my dad and my grandfathers never had this problem. I also eat poorly and don’t exercise.I know hair loss is from a chemical that produces DHT that causes hair to fall out. Can smoking marijuana contribute to this?
A: No, and what Nicky said is completely false, marijuana doesn’t kill healthy cells in your body. In fact, it has been proven to kill dangerous/unhealthy cells in the body. It’s also used medicinally for anxiety and stress which means that a persons overall level of happiness is generally greater. Less stress means less potential for hair loss.
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